Wednesday walk - Sighting a Beautiful Tree

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago


The rush every morning to get the hubs to work and son to college is crazy. Today the boy was late again. Hubs had a luncheon meeting so he didn't fancy traveling 25 km to the office and back to the city for lunch. So he decided to drop the boy off at college and asked me to jump in for a drive. When he has that glint in his eye I know something special is happening.


I hopped in the car and we drove as fast as we could. Traffic is picking up here as offices are saying goodbye to working from home with the covid situation improving.

After we dropped our son off at the gate of the university we drove through a different route and I know better than to ask my husband where we are going. He'd always come up with some crazy answers. We stopped at a restaurant for breakfast, I protested that breakfast was ready at home, he said we'll have that for lunch with a wicked grin on his face. We hopped back into the car and drove homewards. The hubs was talking way too much, I didn't mind it at all. These are rare days and I let him ramble on. The car suddenly stopped.


He said, "look out of the window." There was this short rather deformed looking tree full of flowers. There were a few others like us who stopped to admire this tree. I ran my hand over the bark and ouch, my finger was bleeding so heavily. This strange tree has a rough spikey trunk. Not a nice way way to learn these facts.

What was special about the tree? Did you ask that? I am glad you did. It was so beautiful. I mean really beautiful. It is known as the Erythrina crysta-galli or the Coral cockspur tree. It flowers from April to September. So, what we thought as spectacular blooms were the dying embers of this magnificent flowering season.


I was sad that I missed seeing the tree in full bloom. I got myself a few seeds pods from the tree which were still hanging there, most had split open and were curled strands of hair. I hope these will germinate and I'll get myself a bonsai of the cockspur tree. I tried sourcing this tree a few months back online, but I couldn't find one the size I wanted. It was also heftily priced.

We walked around a few blocks in the neighborhood to see if they had this tree. Apparently none of them were to be found. So we went to a nearby plant nursery to look for these trees but we were told that these were rarely in stock.

All I could do was take some pictures before hopping on to the car and driving back home.


This is the hubs. The love of my life!!

He may not like me adding his picture here, but I just felt like it. He is always smiling, but the sun is making him screw up his face LOL He is always taking me some place to see some tree or flower because he knows I love these things. This was a planned trip for him, but a surprise for me.

This made my Wednesday picture perfect!!

Thank you @tattoodjay for the community. I always have fun writing for this one. I wanted to publish this one before Wednesday ends for me.

All images used in this post are mine.

Thank you for reading and supporting my posts everyone.


Wow this Wednesday walk is lit, I was just smiling at those flowers and when I got to see your love, I was like "Oh my goodness" 🙈😂 he is handsome even without smiling 😊

You have a really nice camera, the pictures are so beautiful and very clear. Your surprise Wednesday walk went well, I could see that 😊

Got to your post through @dreemport

Thank you, glad you enjoyed the pictures.
I'll forward the compliment to the hubs. Thank you.
Yeah I use my cannon EOS which is good..
Have a great day.

Can I borrow your cannon EOS? I think I wanna go for a walk 😂

I wish I could send it to you virtually LOL I actually want an upgrade.

Ahaa so that's an outdated camera? How more cool would the upgraded one be 🤗

Excellent even though its outdated. In today's world every gadget is outdated within six months lol. 😂

😂 So true, some don't even get to six months before you hear of an upgrade release.
IPhone 🤦‍♀️

Ahhhh what phone camera do you use?

I usually use my cannon 1100 DSLR, but today it was my phone camera Redmi 8 pro
Thanks for stopping by @josediccus

So nice of your hubby to plan this surprise for you such a cool tree
Hope your finger us OK

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)
Do if you have time check out some of the other walk posts, its like a wee break from your day to day reality

It's so pretty right? I am crazy about plants and trees.
Yeah sweet of the hubs to always take me around to see these little things that make me happy.
I sure will read the other posts.
For now it's good night from me.
Thanks for responding.

Have a good night catch you tomorrow

Thank you I had a very deep and refreshing sleep.

Glad to hear that :)
have a great day

You too!!

I'm fascinated by how you know so much about tries and flowers. It's really amazing to be able to know so much about nature.
I could see that you had a Wednesday to talk about with hubs. Though he'll not like it, I finally get to see the love of your life @sofs-su. He's actually a very handsome man and quite romantic when he wants to be..kudos!!

I hope you took care of that little wound from the tree before it gets infected.

Thank you for sharing these beautiful images with us.

Posted via

LOL I just love plants and trees. This love makes learning so easy.
Thanks I'll tell the hubs that LOL Its true that he never used to care so much about nature but now after 30 years he does , a lot.
Yeah a little band aid was enough. to take care of that.. which I did right away as all supplies were in the car.
Thanks for stopping by with some kind words and for your feedback.

Thanks for the reblog @jlufer