Walking My Dream - Wednesday Walk Challenge

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago


I had a dream 13 years ago of a beautiful home near a lake, surrounded by trees, birds flowers and far from the maddening crowds. I prayed about it for sometime and let it rest on my faith. Today, since we are here again let me take you on a guided tour of our future neighborhood.


The organization which my husband works for allotted (we cannot choose, it is drawn by lots) us a piece of land in a gated community which they had planned and designed for their employees. When I went to see our parcel of land there for the first time I was welcomed by rows of gorgeous looking trees known as the Bauhinia Variegata or orchid tree. The blooms are mildly fragrant, pretty, pink and positively picturesque.


I currently live in a big city once known as the garden city, it used to be beautiful, quiet, with a pleasant climate. Now, it has grown beyond recognition there are buildings everywhere, it is so crowded and noisy. I have been waiting to run away from this city to our piece of heaven which lies 40kms away from where we live.


Peacock flower

After a decade we've decided to build our future home here. This would be our simple, little retirement home. When I saw this place for the first time these pretty flowers were in bloom right in front of our property. These stunning flowers are aptly named the peacock flowers. I was thrilled, it seemed like a dream come true.


Our home will be at the very edge of this gated community, which I believe would gives us solicitude and peace we have always dreamed of. As we had to sign up some papers with the community so we drove over to the site this morning. I remember how astonished I was when my husband took me there for the first time. There was this huge trees with wild figs right in front of our land. This meant that there were birds of all kinds just for our viewing.


As we walked the neighborhood I found these tiny bird houses everywhere. Aren't these so pretty and rugged? Right now there are no birds living here


The candle stick bush or Senna alata is very common here. It grows wildly all around adding to the beauty and the simple charm of this amazing neighborhood. When they are in bloom you would see your world light up in yellow flames.


The Bauhinia Variegata or the orchid tree comes in three colors a deep pink, a lighter shade of pink and white. Here there are a hundreds of pink trees but not so many whites.


I have often feared to dream because dreams come true. Just take a look at what we have right in front of our land across the road - a small lake. I remember falling on my knees in complete awe the first time I saw this lake. Everything is according to my specification, God is so good. He is so amazingly good that he sometimes astonishes me with his splendid gifts.


These were the sights on the way to our land. Every time I go there I am enchanted by the beauty of the place. Rolling grassy knolls on one side and pure bliss on the other. Hubs and I walked all around this neighborhood which still has this old world charm and everyone greets you with a smile and welcomes you to their home.

This is my submission for the #wednesdaywalk challenge. Thank you @tattoodjay and @dreemport for all the encouragement you give us.


Here is something I deeply desire to share with you today. In the fullness of joy we cannot afford to forget the sorrows of others whose every step is a choice between death and life.

This isn't the denouement, Its just the beginning of another story in another place. Even as you smile harken unto to their cry.

The Tale of Afghanistan

Yet when I dream of a sweet home today
A million others have no place to stay,
Forced out of their land,
With weapons in hand,
Gun touting terrorists of yore,
Have come back for more!

Of refuge and safety alone they dream,
Their wailing voices subdued by their children's scream,
Fleeing from the monsters,
Who've come to rule their country,
Their eyes dimmed with fear,
Filled with hopelessness and tears,
Gun shots they hear,
As loved ones they steer,
To imagined safety!

Do they have a choice?
These people without a voice,
Blankly the World looks on,
As if its a movie,
Two hours later the pain would be gone,
We could wipe our eyes,
And move on with a sigh,
Believing that the mess would resolve itself,
Like a simple magic spell!

To stay is death,
To flee is life,
I hope that was true,
Either way there is nothing to rue,
Is their life is worth anything?
Who cares about Afghans?
They are just a number,
Nothing important to remember.
This would become history in time,
When we would shed another tear,
And probably say a prayer
For the souls lost,
In the year past!!


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Let our picture tell your story

Thanks for reading and responding.

All images used are the sole property of @sofs-su
Line divider designed by me on Canva


Let me just say God has been wonderful to you and He did answered your prayer. That is also the work of faith you exercised too. Seeing all of these, I know you will always be grateful for such gifts God gave to you.
I also want a place like this to enjoy while seeing nature.


God had been abundantly merciful to me @princessbusayo
Sometimes it feels like a dream.
Oh yes I think the secret to abundance is gratitude. I have seen it so many times in my Life. God loves a grateful heart.
I pray that you will find your own paradise soon. ❤️

You're an amazing writer. I can literally see your heart in your writings.

I love your neighborhood.

Your dream home is a home I also dream of.

As for Afghanistan. Their fate is a complicated one.

I pray the world heal itself of this goriness before our very eyes.


Oh wow!! thank you.
This is the sweetest think I've heard today.
I pray that God grants you the desires of your heart.
Hmm.. Afghanistan truly needs our prayers. I pray that God will change the hearts of the rulers of the nations and make them more merciful towards all people.

You're welcome. And I'm pleased that words were that pleasing to you.

Amen to your prayers.

We keep praying for our fellow humans, in Afghanistan.

Amen, They truly need our prayers

Hi! @Sofs Ma'am, As usual all the photos were so beautiful and your place is like heaven Hehehe..All the beauties could be found in there..a very peaceful place to live. Truly a dream come true for you Hehehe! Your post always amazed us..couldnt wait for another set of beautiful photos from you!

I came to this awesome post via @dreemport.


Thank you @aimharryianne glad you like my photographs . True it's a peaceful place and we have a few good friends there as well.

Wow how cool is that it sounds so like your dream that is amazing
So many beautiful flowers and I love those little bird houses

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk

Honestly this is just one of my dreams that came true, so perfect , fulfilling everything in the specs.
There are a few more that blew my mind away.
Those birdhouses are so cute right? I was so thrilled on seeing them.
Thanks for taking the time to read and respond @tattoodjay

The fact that many of your dreams have come true to me just shows that you are a special person deserving on them coming true

Oh no I am no special person. Faith moves mountains and for me it really has moved so many of them.


This is a sign that dreams do come true. Somehow you have all you dreams of and it is really beautiful.

The flowers are lovely, the bird house, even the lake. It's beautiful!

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Answers to prayers are so amazing, sometimes it looks like God wants to make you happy in every way possible.
I am glad you like our future neighborhood. I just had to share it with you all here, as I relived the memories of my first visit to that place.

God wants to make you happy in every way possible

So true! Whenever he comes through for me I'm always like God, you knew what you were doing all along.

I am glad you like our future neighborhood.

I love it! I'm glad you decided to share

Posted via proofofbrain.io

God makes all things perfect in his timing. Evan though we may think that the wait was long or He was late , he is never ever late. Thank you so much.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 71 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thanks @pixresteemer for re-blogging my post. Much appreciated.

This Wednesday Walk is amazing! So happy for your dream coming true. The poem in the end is so sad but true.

Thank you so much @glecerioberto. I am glad you took the time to read the poem as well. I just needed to share what was weighing me down as well.
I so appreciate your visit and feedback.

This could be anyone's wish . The views are so lovely.
And your dreams are coming true.

This signifies that what we pray for always comes in dues time not by the time we want it.

I'm happy for you dear.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thank you @wongi.
Yes my prayers were answered ten years ago, but we couldn't move to that city then as our boys were still in school.
Now, I guess we can move and live a peaceful life.

Yes .
It looks like it would be a really peaceful one

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thank you so much @wongi

You're welcome dear.

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Ask and you shall receive and look at all the flowers surrounding you?
And a lake too ;D
This is so amazing and just oh so perfect with your love for flowers

That poetry of Afghanistan 😥

@kaerpediem Sorry for the delay in response. I am not doing too well lately.

His promises are true and Jesus is the yes and Amen to the promises of God.

The lake was something I totally unexpected. I knew the place was beautiful, I had worked there early in my career, but the lake .. now they are cleaning up and developing it nicely.

Afghanistan is constantly on my mind. I've been wanting to write so many articles about it here and on another site.. hope to do so soon.

Exquisite flowers, Damn, The pictures are so amazing. By the way i hope the dream you had 13 years ago is now visualizing.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Glad you think so.
Actually everything came true ten years ago, but We couldn't think of moving there until now.
Now, that the boys have grown up and don't live with us anymore , this house is too huge for us to maintain.
We have been thinking of a small three room home.

It's pleasant to hear that. I'll tell you what- That's a great Idea you got right there.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

This is pretty perfect write. 😍😍😍🥰
And come to see if your captures I don’t think that are captured with cameras and if they are. They are just so outstanding.

Nice journey with you on a Wednesday with you.

Glad you liked my post ad the images . You know what I am so thrilled to have taken this journey with you in spirit.

that poem was ... wow.

the world looked on as if watching a movie. So often I feel that's the case. We are so desensitized - we DO just watch as if... we're seeing something in fiction unfold.

I wonder sometimes if that's the price we pay with too much connection to a world that we can't truly impact. We feel powerless to do things of consequence - so we do nothing. but we still SEE it. its a strange situation. and i wonder if many know how to actually process all that we see. if we SHOULD be seeing all that we see. hard to say.

but ... the rest of your post
your dreem home hehehe

I had a friend who did something similar to what you did.

its a long story but a beautiful one that shows God's kindness and favor and nature!

I love that you are surrounded by all those flowers! and the lake!!!! hehehehe and the figs and everything!

What a gift from God! I love that your company provided the housing for you too - hehehehe we have lived in places like that for the last 14 years
what a blessing!

but i do think of the time when we might have our own land - our own place...

we pray for it... and we will hope that God would bless us with a surprise like He has for you!!! hehehehehehe

i'm so thrilled for you! what a paradise!!! :)

Thank you so much @dreemsteem.
Sorry for the delay in response.
Afghanistan just won't let me sleep, it makes me angry that everyone the UN included just speaks and won't do a thing. They just watch the human tragedy unfolding.
Our home is a gift from God for he alone knows our hearts.
Our company didn't exactly provide the housing but they developed the land built the amenities around it and sold the land for a reasonable price.
I pray that you have your own home soon. I pray that he give you the desires of your heart.
Now that will be added to my prayer list.
Thank you so much for your kind words.

Loved this post!!!! You got 2nd place in the DreemPort Challenge!!!! Thank you so much for writing with your heart!

You have a 100% upvote and your 20 Hive is on the way thanks to @tattoodjay !!! :)

Oh wow!! Thank you once again @dreemport
Thank you @tattoodjay for your generosity
Congrats all winners and participants.
Bless you all!