Thank God your crop is safe and is looking good now.
Hope your maize yields a plentiful crop.
Malabar spinach ( hey you have a part of my country there) is another vine that grows wild in the rain.
Good to see you write after a long time.
Hmm looks like there is rain everywhere.. we've all so been dealing with excess rain..
Some of my plants- green beans and cucumbers have been eaten up by worms. everything is growing wild but many plants are rotting or attacked by pests as well.
I'll just have to wait for nature to take its course.
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I hope so too. In a few months, the results should be out. It would be the second harvest for the year. 😋
Malabar spinach is a favorite of mine since childhood. I do grow them from seeds and then transplant to a soil bed with regular water supply. Though we have other veggies tagged spinach like the celosia and amaranth varieties.
Worms are just as evil as they are good at times. About three days before the flood, I suspected the growing plants were eaten up by cutworms. They leave behind shoots that look like cigarette stubs.
Well, the excess water must have washed them off the field at least. So that's a blessing in disguise. 😂
May God bless you with a plentiful second harvest.
Hmm.. haven't seen cut worms here.. Good that the rain washed them away.
I love the normal spinach more than the Malabar spinach.
I grow those more.. the Malabar spinach can be multiplied from two inch cuttings.
I used to used them as a my privacy curtain lol I love the reddish colored variety.