I don't know if this is possible here...
But today it's raining outside...
Both the walk and work on my favorite site are cancelled!
But I have an archive of my favorite walks!
Today I want to show the same October, but all the way back to 2018...
I was wondering...
Do you also love autumn as much as I do?
I love it very much!
Just for such bright colors!
Agree, it’s beautiful!
What do you associate with autumn?
I have with the fact that everything and everyone goes into hibernation!
Until spring...
Also with the cold weather coming...
Yes, on planet Earth, few people like the cold...
But I love it, especially the snowy cold and with snowdrifts!
It’s true that our climate is changing so much that I don’t even remember the last time I saw real snowdrifts...
This is it, my environment from the past!
Don't blame me for wanting to share my memories!
I just really love beauty!
That's all, I went on to try to find coins for those in need...
It's getting harder and harder to find...
Beautiful shots, you have taken really beautiful photographs, I appreciate you sharing with us
Have a beautiful afternoonWhat a shame that you couldn't go for a walk because of the rain, dear friend @slon21veka, but how great that you have reserved these photographs of this beautiful place.
Sorry its raining for you but love the walk you shared with us from the past such beautiful light and warm colors
Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Осінь - це моя найулюбленіша пора року. Осінь насичує мою душу кольорами радості і оптимізму. Погулявши з вами, я відчув легку ностальгію за осінню у Львові.
Autumn is my favorite season. Autumn saturates my soul with colors of joy and optimism. After walking with you, I felt a slight nostalgia for autumn in Lviv.
P.S. я прошу не використовувати мій особистий тег #thelongestrip, оскільки це має переклад "найдовша подорож" мого життя. Дякую за розуміння 🙂 P.S. please don't use my personal tag #thelongestrip as it translates to "longest trip" of my life. Thank you for understanding 🙂
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