Wednesday Walk - Critters on My Walk

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago (edited)

Here are a few critters I've noticed on my stroller walks with the baby for this #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay

Rabbits are everywhere. Most of them are quite tame too, sometimes you can even pet them but I wouldn't recommend it as they are probably covered in fleas.

Baby sparrows are everywhere too. I suspect these two might be about the third batch of sparrows this year. They are looking to take a bath in a rain puddle nearby.

One has managed to get in to the puddle and now has to dry off in some wood rubbish. Summer heat isn't too bad here because it rains all the time and there are plenty of puddles for the sparrows to cool off in.

Meanwhile the turtles are longing for more sun. They love the floating islands on the lake to bask on all day.

One of these days I'm hoping to get a huge snapper basking on the island. For now its mostly the red eared sliders that have claimed the space.

Here's a random neighborhood cat. I suspect its probably looking to catch one of the baby sparrows.

The bees are out in force. They love these echinacea flowers.

The wild roses attract the most bees.

Morning glories are filled with bumble bees.

Honey bees seem to like the roses more.

Some strange looking fritillary is hanging out on a leaf. It kind of reminds me of a red admiral but lacks the colors.

Here is a furious ent telling me to stay off its lawn. Be careful of those swinging arms they will definitely knock you into the next neighborhood.


gorgeous flowers and so many cool critters what a fun walk

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

I missed a few skunks and raccoons as it was too dark for my zoom lens. Gotta bring a big floodlight next time.

that would be cool to see sometime

What a beautiful Wednesday walk, beautiful company throughout the tour, and a lot of nature to enjoy
great pictures, appreciate you letting us know
have a nice dayhello dear friend @sketch.and.jam good day

Critters are everywhere in the summer. I just need some good light to capture them.

Great captures while out and about with the baby. 😁
Great captures.
One day you will get a capture of it basking in the sun ☀️

Hahaha it does look like a face 😋
Have a great Wednesday!

The snapping turtles look like dinosaurs especially the alligator snappers. I'll have to do a whole post on faces found in trees sometime.

Yes, they look so ancient…

You should. Would make for an awesome story too 😜

Entertaining stroll. The wrens by our garden are definitely on at least batch 2 of babies. The rain this year has been crazy. Finally got out to mow most of my lawn. Some of it is too swampy still.

Did the wrens make a nest in a house you made for them? They are super entertaining to watch especially the meanish Carolina wrens. Good luck mowing the swamp, reminds me of my FFA project in high school where I started a landscaping business and ended up getting loads of senior citizen clients. The only problem is I was mowing dirt and weeds in arizona and trying to chop out bermuda grass in rocky soil lol. Brutal work. Swamp mowing probably presents its own challenges though.

I guess its first come, first serve but we were hoping for bluebirds. I made 3. One had bluebirds until a bear knocked it down. One has the wrens, they used it last year too. and one is too far in the woods. It looked good until everything leafed out and it disappeared into the woods lol. Biggest problem in the swamp is leaving ruts that 1) you have to deal with later and 2) just make another place for water to collect 🙄 btw did you just call me a senior citizen? haha

If you're still mowing your own lawn you're not a senior citizen. It was good business for me back then all word of mouth marketing.

I'm 55 I think I mentioned that once maybe.