Wednesday Walk - A Forest Walk

Some strange looking sculptures were added to the arboretum. I'll have to keep an eye out for these tacky things as I make my way around here for the rest of the year. Typically I stay out of the populated areas and go deep into the forest where the wildlife is.

The day was quite nice, perfect sunlight and temperature. It still feels like spring around here but with summer scenery.

The hawk seemed to like this day as well, it was screaming around nonstop above scaring everything half to death below lol. All the squirrels and birds were doing their warning sounds.

This baby robin took shelter in the thick forest to avoid the hawk. I bet this guy was still being fed by its parents just a week ago.

The red wing was unfazed by the hawk. These guys like attacking them in the air to protect their territories. He nonchalantly kept preening despite the hawk screams above.

I found a little tank on the bark path. I suspect this painted turtle is/was laying eggs somewhere around here.

Nearby is their swamp full of duckweed and dead trees.

There are probably a good hundred or more turtles in this muck.

I found a strange tomatillo looking plant. I have no idea what it is...

Later on down the path I saw a puffed up robin sunning itself. I wasn't sure what it was from a distance, I've never seen them do this before.

Towards the end of my walk the clouds started forming. It likes to rain a lot here during summer. Hopefully it won't create too many mosquitos later on...

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


That is a strange looking piece, I must prefer the beauty of nature you found on the walk of which you saw so many

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

They are basically instagram backgrounds for people who visit the arboretum once a year lol.

LOL people and the craze for selfies these days maybe I am just ole but I dont get it lOL

I wonder if there is a market for stock photos of iconic backdrops that people could photoshop themselves into to act like they've been there? Could be a pretty funny ironic instagram account concept. Especially if you just do mark gormley poses in front of all the backdrops. th

LOL I am surprised someone hasnt come up with the idea to do that in an app to shar eon instagram

but gormet\y poses may be a tutorial a an extra cost lOL

I dig the statue! But I would tend to agree that the views of nature are more aesthetically pleasing overall :)

If they made it blend in with the environment more it would look better. Right now it kind of belongs in a mcdonalds or something loud like that lol.

That makes sense, I agree with this completely

Free big macs at the arboretum lol


Beautiful walk… @sketch.and.jam
How dare they putting up sculptures and attracting more people hahaha lol
It does look fun though.

Great captures of the birds.
Maybe the robin was very cold or even sick, to warm it self in the sun. Strangely on the ground too. Or it was attacked by another animal and was recovering. It could have many possibilities.

Beautiful clouds coming in. Hope not to much mosquitoes 🦟 for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻

The robin flew away when I got closer, I think it was just sunbathing, pretty hilarious looking.

Good to hear it flew away… must have just wanted some sun.
It was sure hilarious looking. (What I could see in the photo that is)
Enjoy your day further 👋🏻☀️

Now, that is an interesting piece. Run away fast! The image looks like a balloon vine and looks like a lantern, but grows pretty long. It is a viney-type plant. I grew up with turtles in our swamp and we loved watching for them to lay their eggs. Then we found sea turtles, so much fascination with turtles!

I love your robin and he is a baby!!! They boot them out of the nest so soon after hatching! Did you ever figure out what that robin was doing? He was all puffed up!

Great walk!! Thanks for taking us with you!

I think you may be right about that balloon vine.

I hope to find the huge friendly snapping turtle again at the arboretum that likes to beg for food near the edge.

That robin looked hilarious, it would be hilarious to be able to pick them up like a turnip out of the ground lol.

Happy #WednesdayWalk. Thats a crazy scuplture. At first look I thought it was some one is a costume lol Tomotillo yum. Maybe you will be lucky and those will grow up to be Tomotillo. Nice sun ray photo to end with. Have a great day 🙂

There are quite a few more crazy looking sculptures out there, but I haven't gotten around to going to see them all since they are all near the visitor center where everyone hangs out. I wonder what the arboretum would think about me secretly spreading some tomatillo plants around the place lol.

Love the green cast on the baby robin photo.

Yeah the leaves really color the interior of the forest nicely like that on a sunny day.

Some strange looking sculptures were added to the arboretum.

The owner of the forest

I much preferred the trolls they use to have there