Wednesday Walking in the Frigid Cold

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago


An entry for the #wednesdaywalk challenge hosted by @tattoodjay.


It was a cold one today! After finishing up work at the first site, I stopped by the old, destroyed footbridge site along the Beaver Creek. The temperatures were a "brisk," in the middle of single digit F temps. The wind was yet again cold and strong from the north. I of course didn't wear the proper clothes or bring warm gloves, so off I ran to get pictures.



I quickly made my way to the northern part of the small trail, then turned around. I would have climbed down to the creek, but the hands and fingers were on fire. Did I mention ever before, on Hive, how old I am beginning to feel?? I could still feel my nose, too, but that to was turning numb.

I took a few photos of the stairway that led to the area:



Then moved back to the bridge area to take some photos. I love the look of the cement bridge above. I'm not sure what type of architecture it embodies, but it's very Roman-esque/aqueduct-esque in my opinion. It's definitely a bit of local history that I need to research further.




A few more shots, and the fingers were stinging...back to the warm car I fled! You'd think being a native Wisconsinite would make days like this easy, but they are not. Most of the cold up here this time of year is fine, but the wind chill days in the -15F are tough, even for the most seasoned northerner. Myself included, of course!


A few minutes with the hands in front of the car heater, and all was back to normal. Cold, but worth it for a January #wednesdaywalk. Thanks for stopping by to take a look...hoping all had a wonderful Wednesday as well!


My man Sagesima, i am so glad to be back! and glad too see you posting, and what an AMAZING collection of photographs as usual, you donot disapoint! the area iis beutyful, i like the mixing of urban bridges and woods...

Have a wonderful day my friend!

Your friend!


Thanks, and long time no see! Hope you are doing well over there!

Jesus I looked up the in Celsius. That's a cold one . 🥶🥶🥶

At least spring is due in a few months, lol

You did better than me I went fir a walk yesterday afternoon but the wind was howling and it ended up a very short walk
No where near as cold as you had it there and you walked and hit all these great shots

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Thanks! I do like that bridge quite a bit; the early morning cold glow of the sun on that was kind of neat and worth it for quasi frost bitten fingers.
