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RE: A pain in the leg

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

The problems isn't the distance, never was, it's mostly the unpaved and uneven grounds that create the problems. A 5 kilometer walk a day, on and off, is easy to pull off, especially when treading on a well paved path and when not having to maneuver and drift through a ton of pedestrians. Those days feel like a blessing to me.

This time the issue was a badly dug up street with small hilly areas of mud and concrete, and a little path that was only a foot in width, and was somewhat "walkable". On top of that we had a ton people walking through that street, one little bump and the person with bad footing balance would end up in a 6 foot drop towards the drain pipes haha. So we surely had to tighten up and keep our feet locked on heavily.

After that it was a lot of climbing up and down through multiple stories, thanks to some "well timed" load shedding; if combined, then I probably covered over 20 stories that day, both up and down.


okay now that's much more chaos than I'd willingly sign up for on a normal day 😂

OH HELL YEAHH, Dhaka at its best, or should I say worst... 🤔😂

I'd say that's just Dhaka being, "Dhaka" hahaha. Fortunately I live in a small town so walks are far less chaotic and much more enjoyable around here. 😁🙌


a harmless selfie from one of those random afternoons

You can keep on walking for miles in green and scenic areas like that; I surely have a lot of memories from the countryside, mostly from the usual nanu and dadu bari visits, it's just so peaceful.

In Dhaka you have to fight your way out when you're out on the streets, whether it be on streets, on a bus or even in corporate buildings or shopping malls. I guess that's why I know prefer to stay at home instead, I'd rather get my share of "peace" from some indoor activities. 😂