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RE: Thanks and an update of my wife

Much love to you and your wife as she heals her shoulder. Uncertainty is difficult to navigate and you are doing great to remain positive and focusing on the best possible outcome. Thank you for checking in and sharing your journey.

I've lost a lot of socks but I rarely wear any now except to work out since I'm most often wearing flip flops.


Thanks so much
I must admit at times I am struggling to stay positive but keeping it up myself and putting on a positive appearance most of the time

That's a powerful awareness. We often are told, especially in childhood, not to be sad or angry, and we carry this belief with us. It's OK to be sad, angry, frustrated, scared, and it's OK to express this so we don't hold on to it. Staying positive can mean accepting the emotions and pain you are currently experiencing and knowing that it will pass. You're not alone and you have built an amazing, loving community that is here for you.