Hola a todos los que visitan regularmente esta increíble ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨: En mi ciudad hemos tenido dos fines de semana largos, lo que hizo que tuviéramos mucho tiempo para salir a pasear por lugares hermosos. La ¨ciudad¨ de ¨Corrientes¨ ha sido construida a la vera del rio ¨Paranᨠlo que hace que en tus paseos siempre estes cerca o frente al rio

Source: Family Álbum
Hello to everyone who regularly visits this amazing ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨: In my city we have had two long weekends, which gave us a lot of time to go out and walk through beautiful places. The “city” of “Corrientes” has been built on the banks of the “Paraná” river, which means that on your walks you are always near or in front of the river
Lo que tiene de bueno al salir a pasear en compañía de mi familia es que generalmente terminamos en un parque o en un lugar donde nos podemos sentar, y mientras los grandes conversan y comparten el ¨mate¨, yo me puedo divertir viendo los hermosos jardines que hay en estos espacios públicos

Source: Family Álbum
What's good about going for a walk with my family is that we generally end up in a park or a place where we can sit, and while the grown-ups talk and share the "mate" ¨, I can have fun seeing the beautiful gardens that are in these public spaces
Amo la naturaleza y me encanta acariciar con mis manos las platas, las flores y los diferentes frutos que tienen los árboles, como estos que pueden ver de esta extraña ¨palmera¨. Algo que siempre me llama la atención, es la gran cantidad de plantas con frutas en la ciudad, y lo que no entiendo es como las personas no llevan estos frutos a sus casas

Source: Family Álbum
I love nature and I love caressing with my hands the plants, the flowers and the different fruits that the trees have, like these that you can see of this strange "palm tree". Something that always catches my attention is the large number of plants with fruits in the city, and what I don't understand is how people don't take these fruits home
Con mis abuelos suponemos que las personas no llevan los frutos porque creen que son frutas ¨agrias¨, si bien es verdad que hay algunas plantas de ¨mandarinas¨ injertadas que su sabor es ¨amargo¨, estas plantas que vemos son de ¨naranjas¨ y tiene toda la apariencia de ser dulces

Source: Family Álbum
With my grandparents we assume that people do not carry the fruits because they believe that they are "sour" fruits, although it is true that there are some grafted "tangerine" plants that have a "bitter" flavor , these plants that we see are “orange” and have all the appearance of being sweet
¨WednesdayWalkContest¨: Gracias a mis abuelos aprendí a amar las caminatas, sobre todo cuando visitamos lugares hermosos cerca del rio Como les comenté al principio, cuando caminas por las calles de mi ciudad es casi inevitable no dar con alguna parte del rio. A Mi abuela Gaby le encanta nuestro ¨Paranᨠy no se puede resistir tomar su ¨teléfono¨¨móvil¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ y hacer fotografías que me pueden servir para acompañar al Sr @tattoodjay en su invitación semanal

Source: Family Álbum
¨WednesdayWalkContest¨: Thanks to my grandparents I learned to love walks, especially everything when we visit beautiful places near the river As I told you at the beginning, when you walk through the streets of my city it is almost inevitable not to find some part of the river. My grandmother Gaby loves our ¨Paranᨠand cannot resist taking her ¨mobile phone¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ and taking photographs that can be used to accompany Mr @tattoodjay in his weekly invitation

It is very striking that people do not collect the fruits of the plants, which is a shame, since many of them end up falling into disrepair. Luckily some birds take advantage of them.
Yes, luckily it is the birds that enjoy these delicious fruits.
Me sorprendieron mucho esos frutos, parecen damascos y me encantan! Es un paseo hermoso en la naturaleza. A seguir disfrutando de ella!💗
me sorprendi al ver que las palmeras tuvieran estos frutos, fue increible tenerlas en las manos
Siempre disfruto mucho mis paseos con mis abuelos
Muchas gracias @ avdesing
A seguir siempre disfrutando la vida es hermosa! 💗💗💗
It's a heavenly walk and with those beautiful fruit trees, just perfect. I wish I lived there. You are fortunate.
I love how you are inspired by nature. Not many people your age here in my country, care so much as you.
Thank you for sharing your lovely experience with us.
Argentina is a beautiful country to live in, and my city is very quiet with many beautiful things to see.
There is nature and fruit trees in most of the streets of my city.
Thank you very much @carolynstahl for your kind words
Your city is so beautiful, Abegail and you are pretty too.
It is a little small, so it is very easy to keep it organized and clean, which makes it look very beautiful
Thank you very much @naniplayergamer
Only way to test the fruit is to taste a little before eating, check they not going to upset your tummy. Nice walk with Gaby taking some lovely photographs of you on the way.
That's true, the next time we go we have to try the fruit to clear up our doubts.
Yes, we have a lot of fun on our walks, and my grandmother Gaby takes beautiful photographs for my posts.
Thank you very much lady @joanstewart
Have a lovely weekend.