On the way to the post office...

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago


Not so long ago, maybe only two decades ago, postmen had a lot of work to do during December. Christmas holidays and New Year are dates that are celebrated all over the world and family members and friends like to congratulate each other. Quite a normal thing, right? People have done it in the past, they are doing it now, and I assume that the good wishes and the spreading of the same will continue in the future. The only difference is how we do it. Sending Christmas cards was very popular until we started using mobile phones en masse to send SMS messages. Later internet came and all the applications and social media platforms that are used brought a definite death to Christmas cards. Still, here and there we do like to receive or send that piece of cardboard. That is a different feeling from receiving a message on your screen.

Call me old-fashioned or just sentimental, but this year I have decided I am going to send postcards to members of my close family. I know I should ship on time because usually, this service is late. There were cases when the postcards I sent a few days before Christmas arrived at their destination in February. To prevent something like that from happening again, this year I took measures to send them on time. This Monday I was on my way to the post office to send good wishes to several parts of the world.


I had just a few postcards to send but I had to wait in the post office for some time. It was 20 minutes, maybe 30 minutes. For sure not just 7 seconds that I was waiting. Finally, it was my turn. The lady behind the counter took the postcards, measured their weight and told me the amount I had to pay. Surprise!


$10 just for the shipping fee? Plus the cost of Christmas cards I paid earlier.

Not the cheapest way to say someone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
But I know those who will receive these cards will have a happy moment while reading my handwriting. At least, I hope they will be able to decipher what I wanted to write. Btw, did you notice that our handwriting is getting worse? I do notice the consequences of typing just on the keyboard, even though I am trying to write on paper at least my schedule and shopping list or little notes and reminders.

...while waiting my turn in the post office...

Christmas cards were sent and the day was still so beautiful and with blue skies. Time should not be wasted at home, better to enjoy a bit of sunshine and flowers and palm tree scenes. It is December, a month that always gives nice weather to this part of the world. Although we had some rainy days last week, maybe that is the reason why is everything still so green.



The flowers seem to like this climate too. Those that grow in form of bushes and are planted along the fences are decorating nicely the streets. This type is present during the whole year and can appear in different colours.


From another fence but the same flower in various colours:


Looking at the fence from the street is not always the most interesting thing, so here I peeked into the yard. One wall was decorated with pots and plants growing out of them.


But usually, I don't do this. I am satisfied if I see those lovely flowers that grow over the fence. This white flower was growing on a tree, I don't know the name of it, although it looks like Lilium (but I guess it is not)



The yellow flower was also growing high, on a tree, the same that we can see in the cover photo. Maybe not a clear photo, but still, I like the contrast the yellow flowers make with the blue sky.


Hidden among the branches of a bush, I saw a small bird's nest. There were no birds inside just dry leaves, but it is normal I suppose. Probably the small nest will be occupied again by little birds in spring. And anyway, this post is full of postcards and flowers and not animals... That is what I thought until I saw the last scenery, again including some palm trees.


The high palm tree from this house was a playground for two squirrels :D
They are fast, it is not easy to take a photo of them running up and down on those trees. So agile they are, but in the end, one photo is what I got.


And the zoomed version of the same squirrel, while it took some pause from its athletic performance! Maybe it was also running to the post office to send some Christmas greetings to family and relatives? 😂

Hurry, hurry, little squirrel, Christmas is around the corner!!




Btw, did you notice that our handwriting is getting worse?

Yes! My handwrite was never very nice, but now it is just terrible :D

No, it's not terrible!
Everything is perfect until it is legible :D

I envy you! Even a simple walk to the post office is beautiful... 😄

It is easy to have a beautiful walk if the weather permits it 😉

I still can't believe the letter system is used

hahaha, yeah, it still exists :)

Love the flowers😍😍
Good to know your good weather now.
Have a great wednesday maam😊

Thanks @mitch18, have a nice Wednesday you too!! The weather is nice these days, so the flowers also like it ;))

Postcards are so nostalgic. I have an uncle in the US before who never missed to send one every Christmas.

What a lovely walk. The flowers are so beautiful. I specially love the white flower.

We were also getting postcards from our family members who lived abroad. Many times they were sending boxes with small gifts for Christmas. Those were some nice times. 😇

I really love the flowers, that's one of my favorites! The colors really looks wonderful just like the weather. ♥️

Can't agree more, the weather was just wonderful. Maybe I should send more postcards so walk more often to the post office and enjoy the streets and flowers 🌺 ;)

Whether in that envelope is a gift of money for a Christmas gift for you to send to someone far away, I think it's also a nice time to take a short walk even to the post office @mipiano 😄

There were just postcards in the envelopes, sending some greetings and love ;)) and I was glad I could stroll around too, using the opportunity to be outside, on that sunshine!

Yeah I'm just guessing what's in the envelope :), that sounds really special :)

It is good that you maintain the tradition of sending greeting cards to your loved ones, I share that it is a unique sensation.
It's true, with little use of writing on paper, at least my handwriting has changed over the years.
What a beautiful walk, I imagine the surprise when I saw that bird's nest
I take this opportunity to wish you a happy Wednesday walkHello dear friend @mipiano good day

Yes, it's good to maintain the tradition but we also must adapt, all the time to something new. However sending the postcards has some charm ;)
Handwriting - so I am not alone who noticed that it changed during the years.Hi there @jlufer

Hi @mipiano! Beautiful and enriching walk, showing us all the beauty that exists in the everyday.

Yes, that beauty is here, every day, we just have to spot it 🤩

I would like to be where there are still flowers and temperatures in the plus, the first snow fell in Vršac, but it didn't stay long.

Haha, I can't complain 😁 though I would also like to see some snow again... Which will not happen here 😂
I hope the snow in Vrsac will stay for longer next time!

Thanks for the contribution @mipiano 😃


Greetings and blessings, happy new year 2023.

Happy New Year to you too 🎉🎉🎉

Lovely shots especially the flowers :)

I can relate to the handwriting part. I can't even write my signature well. I don't write anymore using pen and paper. Even if I want to do that, for what purpose? Lol!

I do miss sending cards/letters and the anticipation and anxiously waiting for the arrival of one :)

Hahah, the signature is sometimes the worse thing 😂 And you know those screens, like in a bank when you have to sign? oh, I can't recognize what I write there 😂

But I do like to try to write nicely, when I have time. When I am in hurry, it's just bad handwriting.

Your photos show us what a wonderful place you live in. The flowers are beautiful. 🌸
I'm sure your family enjoy receiving your Christmas postcards.

I hope too that they will enjoy the postcards :) Actually, I will not say that I sent them, let's leave it as a surprise!

You put so much energy in your posts, amazing to read. Keep up the good work ✌😁

Thank you @gestex, I do try to give my best, but it doesn't mean I always achieve to bring a great post hahaha.

Pozdrav 👋

Such a beautiful walk to the Post office

Yes the number of people sending actual cards at this time of year is less and less each passing year, but my wife still loves sending them to friends and family

Thanks for joining the Wednesday, I always love seeing all the walks shared from around the world, but as I am not getting out for as many walks at the moment I am especially loving the walks all around the world its like a virtual world tour

Oh, special greetings to your wife then let's keep up with sending actual Xmas cards ;)
Also, I hope that she is getting better! 😇

slowly she is improving, can move her shoulder a little but still a bit painful but improving which is the key thing

I am glad to hear that she is improving!! 🤗

And you're right the writing on paper and on keyboard are different. It happens to me too, I'm going to take those suggestions.
Greetings, all the best to you!What beautiful flowers my friend @mipiano I love them 😍.

I especially started to notice the handwriting thing a few years ago. So I have to make myself write on paper again, as I mentioned - at least the little reminders and my daily and weekly schedule. 😇
Greetings to you too @elizpc 🙂

The atmosphere there is very bright, I so miss the weather like that at this time, the flower also looks to bloom beautifully

Sometimes I would just like to see and feel the rain, but then, when it rains for one day I want back the sunny days hahaha :D
But I really can't complain about the weather, it is a small paradise here 😇

Yes,, even clothes can't be dry😁

Of course, these days my handwriting sucks... I don't even want to look at them ... Lol

I know your loved ones will be pleased to receive the post cards. I apologize for how costly it was to ship them though.

Beautiful scenery I must confess. Thanks so much for sharing. 😍❣️

Haha, me neither. I write in a notebook the reminders about my students every day and there are times I am just so angry and surprised with myself why I can't write in a nicer way! 😂

I also know (well, I hope) they will like the feeling to receive the postcards 😍

I can’t remember last time I sent the postcards.

I love the flowers you pictured 🤩 Especially those huge yellow and white ones which I have no idea what they are, as they don’t grow around here. The pink ones look like Bougainvilleas 💙

I can’t remember last time I sent the postcards.

Maybe it's the time you can do it :)

The yellow and white flowers were my favourites too, and yes the purple is Bougainvilleas! 😉

I don’t really celebrate Christmas anymore. I’ll just video call my family in Poland 💙

I remember in primary school we used to write Christmas letters to our classmates on vacation day. It was compulsory so we didn’t have a choice. It was very fun at some point as people didn’t know what to write.😅

I know those going to receive these letters will be very very happy because people barely send letters these days.

Btw, did you notice that our handwriting is getting worse? I do notice the consequences of typing just on the keyboard, even though I am trying to write on paper at least my schedule and shopping list or little notes and reminders.

This is something a lot people won’t agree with but most people have bad handwritings these days and it’s sometimes funny.

The flowers look so beautiful. I really liked all the pictures especially the last one with the squirrel. I haven’t seen a squirrel before but I hope to see one soon.

Oh, it was compulsory to write a Christmas letter to your classmates? Hahaha, yes, I imagine there were funny ones 😅 But in the end, it was a way to teach the children to respect their classmates and wish them happy holidays.

The handwriting thing. I am a piano teacher, and I notice a huge difference among students. Those students that have computers in school and use them to read, write and learn have way worse handwriting than those who still use pencil and paper to write down notes and homework. And I notice it in myself too, so that's why I try to find more and more reasons to use pen and paper again :D

Oh, it was compulsory to write a Christmas letter to your classmates? Hahaha, yes, I imagine there were funny ones 😅 But in the end, it was a way to teach the children to respect their classmates and wish them happy holidays.

I think it was a good thing.

The handwriting thing. I am a piano teacher, and I notice a huge difference among students. Those students that have computers in school and use them to read, write and learn have way worse handwriting than those who still use pencil and paper to write down notes and homework. And I notice it in myself too, so that's why I try to find more and more reasons to use pen and paper again :D

Most people just have bad handwriting. Others just scribble anything cos they’re lazy:(

Guao amiga me parece una iniciativa muy especial eso de enviar postales a sus seres queridos, le aseguro que si fuese su familiar me pondría extremadamente feliz, es tan triste como los teléfonos han acabado con muchas tradiciones, sólo queda en nosotros revivirlas 🤗 💌📭

Por cierto esas flores blancas están hermosas, nunca las he visto en persona, parecen las flores que se usan para decorar los arbolitos navideños, fue un gusto leerte, saludos 🤗

Wow, my friend, it seems like a very special initiative to send postcards to your loved ones, I assure you that if I were your relative I would be extremely happy, it is so sad how phones have put an end to many traditions, it only remains for us to revive them 🤗 💌📭

By the way, those white flowers are beautiful, I've never seen them in person, they look like the flowers used to decorate Christmas trees, it was a pleasure reading from you, regards 🤗

Sí, muchas cosas y tradiciones que van desapareciendo, y tienes razón, somos nosotros que deberíamos revivirlas. Estoy completamente de acuerdo contigo! :)

Realmente espero que las cartas lleguen a su destino antes de Navidad... una vez que llegaron en febrero 😂 Probablemente se perdieron en alguna oficina de correos hasta que alguien las encontró

hi, You had a simple walk but how nicely you explained it with your special style I like it Merry Christmas🌲🌲

Merry Christmas to you too 🎄Thank you @hindavi, it was a nice day and walk :)

Old-fashioned way hits different and last longer because you will see sincerity and effort given.

Despite of technology, you choose to send letter with effort 😍, I envy you😊Anyways, what a blooming flowers it's so lively like you ms @mipiano.

Exactly, there is an effort in this action, receiving Christmas cards indeed hits differently! Thank you for you visit and comment @ecelyam05 🙂

Whoa, how amazing that the poscards still works!

By the way, very nice the yellow flowers, were my favorite! <3

The yellow ones, really beautiful flowers. They grow on a tree, but I don't know the name. Yes, postcards still work :D Well, I hope they will arrive on time for Christmas 🎄

I love reading people who post on #hive everyday, but your eloquence definitely stands out among others @mipiano friend!... Wow, it's been years since I remembered what a Christmas card is!... I remember when I was a kid and I had to do a list of people we were going to send one to... We even went to a photography studio every year to take "the family photo" and send it with our cards to family and frieds!... Wow, how everything has changed since then!... I loved reading this... Good luck with the squirrels next time!... It's never easy to take pictures of them!... ha ha ha!... Beautiful post, beautiful flower photos. .. I love bougainvillea!... Sending hugs! ;)

!discovery 40

It is very nice to do those family photos in photo studios, families still do it here. Especially those where there are small children! A so nice tradition to send those photos to relatives.

I hope you will receive some Christmas cards this year, so as to remember the feeling. But maybe better to send them, or at least one, you don't have to make a whole list. Send one and see how the one who receives it would react :)

I am sending you a virtual one (I know, I know, not a real postcard, but still, I wish you happy holidays @jlinaresp )


Awww... Thank you very much for that card my friend!... I hope everyone is well and have a nice time together... A hug and happy holidays!!!... ;)

PS: I never wrote beautifully by hand!... Technology saved me from my horrible handwriting!... haaaa haaaa haaaa :))

Hahaha, that was funny, technology saved you from the need to use your handwriting. 😂😂😂

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Thank you so much! 😇

Beautiful shots!

Thanks :)

I have been today to the post office… 😊👋🏻
Great you do send them still as cards. I do the same.
Why not… I think we should hold on to that. We don’t send letters around anymore, but let’s continue with the cards 😎
Such a great walk and beautiful flowers 🌺 around. Wonderful.
Have a lovely Thursday @mipiano 👋🏻😊

Good night! I’m so late today… sleep well 😴😴😴

Yay, you sent some postcards too?
Nice, nice!
I have a box of letters and postcards, collected over years. Not just years, but decades. :D
They bring memories and it's great when we can reread those letters. I also like to see those postcards my grandma had, so we talk about long long time... times when it was really a thing. No phones for communication, so letters and postcards were sent.

Enjoy Malaga and the weekend @littlebee4 😎

Yep, how can we not 😁😎
Hahaha me too. I saved the really important cards for special occasions and have a box left.
I know, different times. So cool you hold on to them. Luckily I’m not the only one then 😎

Thanks I surely will. 😊
Just returned the rental car. Nothing on the to do list, just hop on the plane tomorrow ✈️✈️✈️
Have a wonderful Sunday 👋🏻☀️🌺

Everything looks so clear and bright over there!

Or perhaps it's your xmas spirit shining through :)

haha, I don't know, if it is because of the approaching holidays or just because Mr Sunshine decided to show itself in full power :D

I was hoping it was because you're happy :D

Enjoy that sunshine, lovely. It's a beautiful thing! 🌼 🥰

I am 😇, regardless of Christmas or not :))

You're lovely 🦄

Take care of you. 😘

You too 🤗

Have a great Sunday @nickydee


Postcards yes I remember that was in trend decades ago just like how love letters are too!
Yes love letters which I am bugging my husband that he should write one for me🤣.

And back to postcards I was always excited to see or receive one as picture of other places were so limited back then.. I mean unlike now that all you need to do is 🔍 at google.

Penmanship? Ahh mine is worst too, seem I could not even catch up in taking down notes or if I could ,,, what's worst I couldn't read it.

The first flower,, we have a lot of here too and we called it bougainvillea

I know, postcards were popular decades ago, but still, we should not forget them. Neither we should forget the love letters hahaha 💌

I loved your post, first the tour a true natural delight that blue contrast of the sky and those beautiful flowers, and second the detail of the letter, something that undoubtedly for these technological times is being a true treasure, I congratulate you on the initiative of sending handwritten postcards to your loved ones, I believe are the details that will keep our human warmth. Greetings

I do believe too that these postcards will bring some nice feelings to those who will receive them. Hopefully, they will arrive before Christmas :)
Yes, the contrast between the yellow flowers and the blue sky is something I also loved 😍 Thank you for your visit @zailecita 😇

It looks like December is a beautiful month there, it's really bright, and some of the scenery you share also looks very beautiful, your day is very pleasant it seems and it's very good

Yes, December is a nice one, I really like it as it is calm and usually sunny :))

Wow - Loving the flowers and the palm trees - it looks lovely there at this time of year !

We are really lucky with this climate. December is usually like this, sunny and calm. The wind and worse weather will come in January, until March or so...