Wednesday walk at a beautiful park

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I have the idea that taking time for yourself and doing some kind of walks with which you can therefore connect a bit with nature, recharge yourself with good energy, drain probably accumulated energy, and let go of all that you no longer connect with, is the best way to start a day and to end it, it is also a way to love yourself and live in the moment of the now.

Spanish version
Tengo la idea de que tomar tiempo para ti mismo y hacer una clase de caminatas con las que puedes por tanto conectar un poco con la naturaleza, recargarte de buena energía, drenar energía probablemente acumulada, y dejar ir todo aquello con lo que ya no conectas, es la mejor manera de empezar un dia y de terminarlo, es también una forma de quererte y vivir el momento del ahora.

WRITTENING: By me /Por me.
PICTURES: By me /Por me.
LOCATION: Bogotá, Colombia.


nice place. i love it 🤗

It is, me too!! noce experience walking around

what a beautiful place to take a walk, what kind of fruit have you discover??

It is a beautiful and calm place to walk, even though I am not sure about the fruit, I just found it in the middle of the road