A Wednesday walk along the Quixote

in Wednesday Walk3 months ago (edited)

Un paseo de miércoles junto al Quijote

La gente cataloga los miércoles como un día atravesado en la semana y para mí este fue un día muy bonito, desde que desperté bien temprano en la mañana.

Dormí la noche anterior con mi madre, luego de haber celebrado su cumpleaños 93, me siento una mujer privilegiada porque a mi edad aún la tengo a mi lado, tan fuerte y decidida. Tuve oportunidad de elegir si quedarme en su casa o irme con una de mis hermanas y opté por quedarme con ella. Me acosté temprano, estaba muy cansada, ella ve hasta tarde la TV, pues es fanática de las novelas turcas.

Se levantó temprano y me preparó el desayuno, café primero, sabe que me gusta saborear el café y luego lo demás, un pedazo de pizza que quedo del cumpleaños y un jugo de manzana, se sentó a mi lado a conversar tomándose una jarra de leche.

Hablamos mucho de lo bien que la habíamos pasado en su cumpleaños. Me reí recordando el deseo que pidió cuando apagó sus velitas en el cake.

Pidió llegar a cumplir 95 y a decir verdad creo que serán muchos más porque pertenece a una familia longeva, sus tíos y tías han sobrepasado los cien y su hermana, la única que hoy le queda ya tiene 95 años. Ambas gozan de muy buena salud.

Llegó la hora de despedirme, vivo en otro municipio de la provincia de Artemisa y debía buscar un transporte que en esta situación de crisis se nos hace difícil. Un beso a mi madre de despedida y ella, como siempre, se despide diciéndome, hija, me llamas cuando llegues, cosa que siempre hago para que esté tranquila.

Aproveché que era temprano y que la mañana estaba muy fresca y el sol comenzaba a dar sus primeros rayos para caminar por la Avenida 28 de Enero, llamada así en honor al natalicio de nuestro Héroe Nacional José Martí.

Esta avenida la recorría yo todos los días para ir al pre-Universitario. No me equivoqué, sería un paseo agradable y me esperaba algo que quería hacer hace tiempo. Tomar algunas fotos a una Obra de Arte Público o Arte Callejero que inicia la avenida: la escultura de Don Quijote de la Mancha y su escudero Sancho Panza. Ya no me importaba demorarme, a medida que me acercaba disfrutaba de los árboles que por el sol se reflejaban a mi paso en la acera.

A medida que me acercaba, la escultura se veía imponente ante mis ojos, es que la hidalguía del personaje impresiona. Qué bonito lugar fue escogido para colocarla, rodeada de árboles y mirando hacia el cielo azul y el sol. Tal parece que el quijote cabalga, en sentido figurado, junto a ese pueblo que temprano en la mañana camina hacia su trabajo.

Recordé cuando de joven leí la obra escrita por Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra y cuanto de actualidad hoy tiene. Hay mucha enseñanza en ese libro.

A Alonso Quijano, por lo que decía, lo tildaban de loco, pero además de ser valiente, hablaba de cualidades como el honor, la justicia, la nobleza y el amor que tenía que tener la gente. De cómo vivir la vida de forma auténtica y apasionada, a pesar de lo que piensen los demás. Y sobre todo tener confianza en uno mismo, ser fiel a nuestras ideas e ir en pos de nuestros sueños.

Sentí la mirada de la gente y quizás hasta escuché lo que pensaban... "esta señora a esta hora haciendo fotos a Don Quijote, ¡estará loca!"... y quizás me parecía a él, pues había disfrutado de un bonito paseo de miércoles y estaba muy satisfecha.


People call Wednesdays a cross day in the week and for me, this was a very nice day since I woke up early in the morning.

I slept the night before with my mother. After celebrating her 93rd birthday, I feel like a privileged woman because at my age I still have her by my side, so strong and determined. I had a choice whether to stay at her house or go with one of my sisters and I chose to stay with her. I went to bed early, I was exhausted, she watches TV late, as she is a fan of Turkish soap operas.

She got up early and made me breakfast, coffee first, she knows I like to savour coffee and then the rest, a slice of pizza left over from my birthday and an apple juice, she sat next to me chatting and drinking a jug of milk.

We talked a lot about how much fun we had had on his birthday. I laughed remembering the wish she made when she blew out the candles on the cake.

She asked to reach 95 and to tell the truth I think it will be many more because she belongs to a long-lived family, her uncles and aunts are over a hundred and her sister, the only one left today, is already 95 years old. Both are in excellent health.

It was time to say goodbye, I live in another municipality in the province of Artemisa and I had to look for transport, which in this situation of crisis is difficult for us. I kissed my mother goodbye and she, as always, said goodbye saying, daughter, call me when you arrive, which I always do to keep her calm.


I took advantage of the fact that it was early and that the morning was very cool and the sun was beginning to give its first rays to walk along 28 de Enero Avenue, named after the birth of our National Hero José Martí.

I used to walk this path every day to go to the pre-university. I was not mistaken, it would be a pleasant walk and I was waiting for something I had wanted to do for a long time. To take some photos of a public artwork or street art that starts the avenue: the sculpture of Don Quixote de la Mancha and his squire Sancho Panza. I didn't mind lingering any longer, as I got closer I enjoyed the trees reflected in the sun on the pavement as I passed by.


As I approached it, the sculpture looked imposing before my eyes, the nobility of the personage is impressive. What a beautiful place was chosen to place it, surrounded by trees and looking towards the blue sky and the sun. It seems as if Quixote is riding, figuratively speaking, alongside the people walking to work early in the morning.

I remembered when I was young I read the work written by Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra and how up-to-date it is today. There is a lot of teaching in that book.

Alonso Quijano, because of what he said, was branded a madman, but as well as being brave, he spoke of qualities such as honour, justice, nobility and the love that people should have. About how to live life authentically and passionately, despite what others think. And above all, to have self-confidence, to be true to our ideas and to pursue our dreams.


I felt people's gaze and perhaps even heard what they were thinking.... ‘this lady at this hour taking pictures of Don Quixote, she must be crazy!’ ... and maybe I looked like him because I had enjoyed a nice Wednesday walk and I was very satisfied.

All images are my property
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


Hey, first, happy birthday to your mom birthday. Oh it is blessing age.
My mom died at 60 years old.

Also, it is good day to walk 😊

Dear @anggreklestari. I am deeply sorry you don't have your mommy, she is proud of you where she is, I am sure. Grateful for your nice comment for my mom. A strong arm. 🤗🥰❤️❤️

You know, your walk.... brought back memories to me too, back home in Argentina, my grandmother had a bronze statue of Don Quixote just like the one I see and it takes me back to my time as a teenager when I went to eat at my grandmother's house and she had it in the dining room, one day I want to bring that sculpture with me, I love it. Thank you very much for this great tour!😃

This work has been read by many, it is beautiful and has many teachings, especially for young people. I'm sure your grandmother appreciates that statue very much but she will be happy that you keep it.
Thank you friend for supporting me with your comment. Best regards. 🤗🥰

A big hug and good to see you back!

Gracias, aquí estamos. ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you very much @hivebuzz my regards, nice day.🤗

That's great @mamani! We're impressed with your progress on Hive! Keep going and reach your new target!

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All you need to do is to click on the "support" button on this page: https://peakd.com/proposals/248.

I think I have already supported it. 😊

Thank you for your support @mamani, much appreciated! 🤗

Oh, those two funny guys, Sancho Panza and Don Quixote, so calm they are. I know - as they wanted to pose for your photos ;)
I am sure your mother will reach the years she wants and more! She seems strong and determined, I wish her all the best, and to you, too. Happy Wednesday, Mamani 🍀

Thank you @mipiano for your congratulations to my mother and to me who am behind her on her birthday and with the same wishes to have many more. There are many more to live yet. I like those two characters and that work is very nice, in the midst of the follies of Don Quixote said many truths and teachings. In that walk I felt very happy. Nice Thursday to you. A hug from ❤️

a cool walk and a belated Happy Birthday to your mother

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk

have a great day

Dear @tattoodjay. I thank you on behalf of my mother for your birthday congratulations, and I will comment. A pleasure to participate in the Wednesday walk. Happy week.🤗😘


Hi @mamani, it's a pleasure to read you again. Glad to hear about your mom's good health.

About Don Quixote there are many interpretations, one of them delves into the value of "madness". I share everything you say about the actuality of those values, and I'm sure you are also as "crazy" as Quixote.

A big hug.

Hello friend @ I'm glad you liked my publication, of course the fundamental of the work is as you say the value of madness, perhaps today to tell the truth and have values is to be a little "crazy" then I am.
I am always happy to receive your opinion and your support. A nice day to you 🤗🥰

I wish you the same, a great day and since we are close, a great weekend. 🤗