While checking around my garden I heard some noise coming from the other side of the farm. Then I found out that for so long our neighbors are currently working on their paddy field with a tractor.
These two small boxes of paddy fields are only a few meters away from my in-laws' rice paddies. Luckily, for now, it has asked permission to share with other water irrigation owners before plowing it.
The process of plowing a paddy field is it must be soaked in water for a few days or weeks before it is worked, especially now that this paddy field has not been planted for several years due to lack of water supply so for sure it would be a heavy reconstruction of the field since the land has been an animal pasture for while.
Unfortunately, there are still a lot of rice paddies that are been vacant for years including ours. Currently, the father-in-law along with other farmers is still struggling to ask for assistance from the government to resolve the water supply problem that caused the delay of the plantation due to the irrigation supply passing a private property.
As for the situation right now we can not ask to share with that neighboring field it’s because the water can not supply the whole paddy field and due to the distance and location water can not flow properly.
I hope that the day will come when it will be acted upon and the government will focus on it because it is a great help to us especially now that rice is very expensive in the market.
Anyway, when I went for a walk to see the situation, I saw what looked like a small cucumber in the fence gliding of the small poultry farm. Can I see it in other places where when it ripens, it is eaten by birds, so I know it is not poisonous, so I picked some to try to feed for rabbits.
And that’s all for now for my short walk contribution to the #Wednesdaywalk initiated by @tattoodjay. Thanks for reading this far folks. Let’s see how this farm goes on another time. Have a blessed day everyone. 😉
I hope that the problem with the water is solved soon, so that your in-laws' field will be productive again.
I appreciate you sharing this Wednesday walk.
Have a great dayWhat a shame that due to lack of water supply, many rice fields have stopped producing dear friend @luckylaica
Yes it's really sad. It's been a several years yet no one from the government tried to get this situation resolved. We tried to use some parts planting a vegetable for consumption but nothing compares if this was planted with rice because it saves as a lot back then. Thank you very much for dropping in @jlufer. I hope you have a wonderful day.
I understand that water shortage so well.
Hopefully, you'll get adequate rain.
One thing I regret was not being able to explore rice farms in the Philippines, because of the same water reasons. I'm intrigued about paddy fields:)
Yes Cam, we really short on water supply plus landowners don't understand that we need their help badly for the equal distribution of water. But what can we do we don't control their feelings. Maybe they don't feel bad since they have enough for there needs.
Unfortunately I believe the last time you visit my house paddy fields are still there but you don't have enough time to stay longer so you weren't able to explore.
lack of water can be such a challenge thanks for sharing your walk
Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Indeed. I really feel bad about that. 😓
Anyway, you're welcome @tattoodjay. I hope you have great day.