A tour of old Southern Homes for my Wednesday Walk

Ready to step back in time? We had to go to a few neighborhoods for these homes, but I wanted to capture them to share with you. I don't remember all the dates for the homes, as they weren't all listed, but this one was from 1847. Isn't the tree magnificent? I want to make a post someday that is all pictures of trees.

Most of the homes are from the late 1800s and early 1900s. I would love a home like this fully restored. I love how much character they have. I had to take some pictures with a little side view because some of these homes are so wide and also have little back houses.


I love the variety of homes. So many neighborhoods these days are just cookie cutter homes where they all look exactly the same. The variety in color is one of my favorite things about these homes.


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Another thing we loved to see was all the brick. Some of the houses also have natural gas burning lanterns on the front porch. Some of the rooftops are sloped and some of the homes have turrets also. We saw tile, shingles and metal roofs.

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The skies were gray in preparation for a storm that was coming in. I love to see how the clouds billow. There was a slight breeze, and it was about 60 degrees outside. It was a perfect day to be exploring.

We like to explore when we visit different cities in the United States. Most cities seem to have older homes like these. We have found that they are either in really nice neighborhoods or they are in a more rundown part of town that you wouldn't want to walk around at night alone. There doesn't really seem to be an in-between.


It would be a dream to build an entire neighborhood with these homes. If I could find it, they would all be on about an acre with old trees and a creek meandering through the area. Wouldn't that be beautiful? Throw in a few weeping willow trees and some swings. It would be a little piece of paradise.

This one even has the swing in the tree already. I could live here and make it my forever home in a heartbeat.


I hope you enjoyed all the homes. These homes are all in Little Rock, Arkansas. Have you been here? Do you have homes like these where you live? I am so glad I found the #wednesdaywalk @tattoodjay , it has really been inspiring me to look around and take in different things on walks that I may not normally have done. It is nice to share these little bits of my life with others. I will have them to remember someday as well to look back on. All of that makes me smile.


Some of those houses are like those things I found in movies. Those are better than the same style building that people have these days. It's like they have their own characteristic and perhaps, represent the people who live there.

It is so true! I love seeing them in person. They do have so much character. I think.the people who own them are so blessed! Inwould love to see how they have all decorated them.

That tree is grand indeed
I love seeing old houses like you shared here when I come across them I always wonder who has lived in them over the years and what stories they could tell

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Thank you! I think the same. I picture them being built for the first time and imagine the excitement of the first owners. The time period, and way of life back then is fascinating to me. These homes have such great character. I am glad you enjoyed.

Yes I agree they have such character and style unlike modern buildings

wow that's one awesome looking home.

I am glad you like! They are some of favorites!