bet you never expected a review like that
No but I'll take it! 😁
I'm actually currently in Northern France. We probably have similar vegetation (aka weeds) as you do in the UK.
I have a small patch that doesn't yet sustain me, and it won't thrive as I keep eating it.
Oh be careful with that they can get out of hand fairly quickly 😅. I yanked up hundreds by the roots last year and they always seem to come back with vengeance. They are one of those weeds that grows long shoots underground so if you cut it in one spot another stalk grows 5-10 feet somewhere else. Pulling them up by the roots is like digging up old cable wires haha they just keep going and going 😂. You probably know all of that already though.
That soup looks amazing. I wish I foraged it more often. I just hate how much of a pain it is in the kitchen - cleaning it with gloves on, trying not to brush up or touch it while it's sitting on the counter waiting to be cooked...etc.
I may give that recipe a go though. I feel like I should try them again at least one more time.