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RE: Expired

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

Hi there, @soulsdetour. 😃 These sand arts are amazing! Whoever made them is very creative but sadly, it would be wiped away either by water or a person.

You had an interesting Wednesday walk. Sorry, the cold is freezing. Its warm in my country and I wish it could be a little cold but not freezing. 🤣

That bunker is colourful. Very bluish. I enjoyed this walk with you. Thanks for sharing. 😊😊🤗


Everyone is looking for what they don't have, of course. 😃 I'm forever looking for a summer. I have no desire to live in a country where it is very cold for about half the year, but what can be done. 😱🌡️😓
The bunker is painted to resemble the seabed, because it is located near the sea. There is quite a symbolic intent in the artists who decided to reimagine it in such a creative way.
Glad you liked my walk 😊 Thank you for stopping by!