Between mountains, river, rain, sun, mist, a magical walk...💫🌳 ENG-ESP.

in Wednesday Walk5 months ago

Greetings to all hikers, we know that walking is an activity that renews us, that inspires and liberates us, and of course we love to do it, it has been a while since I last walked long distances up a mountain, but I had the opportunity to go to one of the hills in Mocundo, a small town that belongs to Bejuma.

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I really wanted to hike those mountains, so a very small group of us, only three people, set out in the afternoon...


It was a good start, already from the first meters you could see houses up the mountain and those roads were asphalted, even so I was surrounded by trees and plants, the sun was not so strong, I kept walking and the road became more wooded and in some parts the roads were dirt roads.

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As I climbed the view became more beautiful, I stopped to observe and honestly it was inspiring, I was very excited because I had many years without climbing that hill, the last time I was very small, and I think it is much more beautiful or maybe I did not perceive it at that time, but it was really beautiful, the more I climbed the more we found beautiful roads, many trees and flowers, at times it was exhausting as the road became steeper, good thing we took a lot of water, to hydrate well.


There came a time when we reached a peak and when we got out we found the road that leads to a town called Canoabo, we continued our way through there, despite being a road the sides of the road are beautiful, full of many very tall guafas or guaduas plants (they call them differently), there were many and they made that relaxing sound hitting each other by the wind (sometimes when the breeze is strong the sound is a little scary hehe), but the breeze was subtle, it was getting cloudy, and everything looked a little dark, it made the landscape more interesting, with mysterious touches, by the way you had to be careful in the curves to cross because suddenly motorcycles and cars were passing by...

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In the distance we started to hear a thunderous sound, quite loud to tell the truth, I asked what it was and it turned out to be a very nice waterfall hidden between huge stones, and right there is a bridge where the river passed, in fact we were above the river, there was a small entrance to the waterfall and we entered it was very nice, I had a long time without seeing a waterfall up close, I took some pictures and we continued, there we stopped for a few minutes ✨.

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As we went up a little more we found an entrance to descend, at this point it started to drizzle and the fog began to descend, and I was happy, on this road there were many beautiful farms and pine trees, I love pine trees and I enjoyed this part a lot too, when we reached the lower area we found another road to another mountain and we turned off, I wanted to go up there since I had not been there since I was a child, first we passed a small river with an improvised can and then we went up and boy was it steep!😳


It was difficult to hold on, we thought about it but we went up, besides the beginning of the road was paved in a ribbed way, so we had more grip, but if it was strong hehe, we did not take long to arrive as it was very steep but it was close, it started to rain a little more in fact it was wet the floor and I but it does not show in the photos, we were also a little while up and down because it was getting late, in this part I could see some cows and some beautiful dogs .... It was great to finish the camita watching the animals😊.



It was a truly beautiful hike, I enjoyed it very much, I hope to return to climb other hills and undertake those hikes that I call “magical”, I had time that I did not venture with hikes like this and I thank life for these moments, I also enjoyed describing this experience for you, I hope you enjoyed it too✨🌳💫.


Thanks for reading, with much love....

@ladylein (16).png

Tools used for the realization of the Post:
Photographs: Redmi Note 11.
All images edited with Canva.
English translation with DeepL.

I apologize for the translation errors.

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Saludos para todos los caminantes, nosotros bien sabemos que caminar en una actividad que nos renueva, que inspira y que nos libera, y por supuesto amamos hacerlo, hacía tiempo que no caminaba largas distancias montaña arriba, pero tuve la oportunidad de ir a unos de los cerros en Mocundo, un pueblito que pertenece a Bejuma.

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Tenía muchas ganas de caminar esas montañas, entonces emprendimos camino un grupo muy pequeño, solo tres personas, en horas de la tarde...


Fue un buen inicio, ya desde los primeros metros se observaban casas montaña arriba y esos caminos estaban asfaltados, aún así estaba rodeado de árboles y plantas, el sol no estaba tan fuerte, seguía caminando y el camino se hacía mas boscoso y en algunas partes los caminos eran de tierra.

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A medida que subía la vista se hacía mas hermosa, me detenía a observar y honestamente era inspirador, estaba muy emocionada ya que tenía muchísimo años sin subir ese cerro, la última vez estaba muy pequeña, y creo que está mucho más bonito o tal vez no lo percibía en ese tiempo, pero realmente era hermoso, mientras más subía mas encontrábamos caminos bonitos, muchos árboles y flores, por momentos era agotador ya que se hacía mas inclinado el camino, que bueno que llevamos mucha agua, para hidratarnos bien.


Llegó un momento en el que llegamos a una cima y al salir encontramos la carretera que lleva hacia un pueblo llamado Canoabo, seguimos nuestro camino por allí, a pesar de ser una carretera los lados de la misma son hermosos, llenos de muchas plantas de guafas o guaduas muy altas (les dicen de diferente forma), habían muchas y hacían ese sonido relajante golpeándose unas a otras por el viento (a veces cuando la brisa está fuerte el sonido da un poco de miedo jeje), pero la brisa era sutil, estaba nublándose, y todo se veía un poco oscuro, hacía mas interesante el paisaje, con toques misteriosos, por cierto había que tener cuidado en las curvas el cruzar porque de repente pasaban motos y carros...

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A lo lejos se empezó a escuchar un sonido estruendoso, bastante fuerte a decir verdad, pregunté que era y resultó ser una cascada muy bonita escondida entre enormes piedras, y allí mismo están un puente por dónde pasaba el río, de hecho estábamos encima del río, había una pequeña entrada a la cascada y entramos fue muy bonito, tenía tiempo sin ver una cascada de cerca, hice algunas fotos y continuamos, allí nos detuvimos unos minutos ✨

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Al subir un poco más encontramos una entrada para descender, en este punto comenzó a lloviznar y a bajar la neblina, y yo feliz, en este camino había muchas fincas hermosas y pinos, amo los pinos y disfruté mucho esta parte también, al llegar a la zona baja encontramos otro camino hacia otra montaña y nos desviamos, quería subir allí ya que desde niña no iba, primero pasamos un pequeño rio con un puede improvisado y luego subimos y ¡vaya que si estaba inclinado!😳


Era difícil sostenerse, lo pensamos pero subimos, además el principio del camino estaba asfaltado de forma acanalada, así teníamos más agarre, pero si estuvo fuerte jeje, no tardamos en llegar ya que era muy inclinado pero era cerca, empezó a llover un poco más de hecho estaba mojado el piso y yo pero non se nota en las fotos, estuvimos también un ratico arriba y bajamos porque se nos hacía tarde, en esta parte pude ver unas vacas y unos hermosos perritos... Fue genial terminar la camita viendo los animalitos😊



Fue una caminata verdaderamente hermosa, la disfrute muchísimo, espero volver a subir otros cerros y emprender esas caminatas que yo llamo "mágicas", tenia tiempo que no me aventuraba con caminatas así y agradezco a la vida por estos momentos, también disfruté describir esta experiencia para ustedes, espero la hayan disfrutado también✨🌳💫


Gracias por leer, con mucho cariño...

@ladylein (16).png

Herramientas usadas para la realización del Post:
Fotografías: Teléfono Redmi Note 11.
Todas las imágenes editadas con Canva.
Traducción al inglés con DeepL.

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Great pictures!

Thank you very much✨

WOw what a beautiful area for a hike the scenery is breathtaking

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk

Have a good day

It is a really beautiful place, I hope to return and climb other hills in the same area, glad you liked it, thanks for reading. Regards!✨


oh wow, those views are sublime! The hills, all that greenery and the cows in the end, it surely is a walk I would like to take, if I would have the opportunity (but it is not that green and full of vegetation here). Thank you, I enjoyed your Wednesday walk post 😇

I'm glad you liked it @mipiano , it's a really beautiful place with lots of greenery certainly and cute little animals, I hope you can have a hike like this very soon, it's therapeutic to do, I made a short trip to get there, I want to go back!

Thanks for reading✨