Hola apasionados amigos de esta maravillosa ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨ : Muy feliz de estar nuevamente aquí acompañando la invitación de mi amigo tattoodjay: a participar de esta genial iniciativa, que te permite además de ejercitar el cuerpo, dar a conocer fotografías hermosas del entorno de tu caminata

Source: Family Álbum
Hello passionate friends of this wonderful ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨ : Very happy to be here again accompanying my friend's invitation tattoodjay: to participate in this great initiative, which allows you, in addition to exercising your body, to share beautiful photographs of the surroundings of your walk
Los días miércoles es el único día en la semana que el ¨gastroenterólogo¨ brinda servicio en el hospital, y para conseguir un turno con el hay que estar antes de las 3.00 de la mañana, dado que solo atiende a cinco pacientes. Lo peor de esto no es que hay que estar temprano, lo indignante es que se presenta al consultorio poco antes del mediodía. Al asistir a nosocomio tienes que saber que perderás gran parte del día, sabiendo esta situación, aproveche hacer nuestra caminata ayer por la tarde

Source: Family Álbum
Wednesdays are the only day of the week that the "gastroenterologist" provides service at the hospital, and to get an appointment with him you have to be there before 3:00 in the morning, given who only cares for five patients. The worst thing about this is not that you have to be early, the outrageous thing is that he shows up at the office shortly before noon. When attending the hospital you have to know that you will lose a large part of the day, knowing this situation, I took advantage of our walk yesterday afternoon
Aprovechamos que teníamos que visitar nuevamente la ¨clínica¨ de los ¨ojos¨ para retirar una cotización, en este lugar dan inicio la atención a partir de las 17.00 hs, justo cuando más fuerte es la exposición del sol, sumado a que en esta zona estamos padeciendo temperaturas muy altas, ayer supero los 53 grados centígrados, falto muy poco para una insolación, aun así, aprovechamos para hacer hermosas fotografías de los edificios antiguos que tanto me gustan. Este viejo edificio tiene mucho carácter y personalidad, las puertas antiguas son preciosas, y las ventanas tienen un toque de distinción con las celosías de metal

Source: Family Álbum
We took advantage of the fact that we had to visit the "eye clinic" again to pick up a quote, in this place they start care from 5:00 p.m., just when the demand is strongest. sun exposure, added to the fact that in this area we are suffering very high temperatures, yesterday it exceeded 53 degrees Celsius, very close to sunstroke, even so, we took the opportunity to take beautiful photographs of the old buildings that I like so much. This old building has a lot of character and personality, the old doors are beautiful, and the windows have a touch of class with the metal lattices,
Una vez que me libere de todas mis responsabilidades convencí a mi esposa caminar varias cuadras hasta la costa, allí sin dudas el clima sería más aceptable, al llegar pudimos comprobar que tenía algo de razón, pero no era la única personas que pensó en eso, ya que muchas personas supusieron lo mismo y acudieron a este hermoso lugar; al llegar vimos que la costanera estaba muy concurrida, incluso pudimos ver a varias embarcaciones deambular por la playa lleno de personas disfrutando la cálida tarde del rio ¨Paraná¨

Source: Family Álbum
Once I freed myself from all my responsibilities I convinced my wife to walk several blocks to the coast, there without a doubt the weather would be more acceptable, when we arrived we could see that she was somewhat right, but I was not the only person who thought about that, since many people assumed the same thing and came to this beautiful place; When we arrived we saw that the waterfront was very busy, we could even see several boats wandering along the beach full of people enjoying the warm afternoon of the Paraná river
Cuando estas en un lugar hermoso y disfrutando de la vista, al parecer las horas pasan más rápido, apenas nos dimos cuenta nos alcanzó la noche, por suerte mi esposa estaba atenta a lo que estaba sucediendo y tomo nuestra ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ para fotografías como lentamente el sol se escondía entre las aguas del rio. Es increíble ver la gran cantidad de personas a las orillas del rio a pesar de que estaba oscureciendo, y creo que todo está relacionado al sofocante clima, si bien, en esta zona el clima es más fresco, sigue superando los 40 grados centígrados. Así ha sido nuestra caminata en horas de la tarde, viendo a las personas disfrutar de las embarcaciones y la brizas del rio

Source: Family Álbum
When you are in a beautiful place and enjoying the view, apparently the hours go by faster, as soon as we realized it night came, luckily my wife was attentive to what was happening and took our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ for photographs as the sun slowly hid between the waters of the river. It is incredible to see the large number of people on the banks of the river even though it was getting dark, and I think it is all related to the suffocating climate, although in this area the climate is cooler, it still exceeds 40 degrees Celsius. This has been our walk in the afternoon, watching people enjoy the boats and the breeze of the river

Source: vimeo-free-videos
#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales
you have a nice place for walking
The city where I live has beautiful places to walk
Thank you very much for appreciating my town
Have a beautiful day dear friend
I love these pictures with the sun on the horizon, they have a special mystique. You have always been very talented at capturing good moments with your camera, but to know everything behind your days and still achieve sublime images is simply admirable bro 👏👏👏
Siempre trato de equilibrar un poco las cosas, cada vez que visito a un profesional medico trato de terminar en un lugar hermoso de la ciudad
La idea no es volver a casa con toda la tension que provoca ocuparse de la salud, trato regresar a casa con las emosiones equilibradas, y visitar lugares como este, y hacer fotografias, es mi manera de qulibrar las emosiones
Muchas gracias por el gran apoyo que siempre men brindas
Que tengas una hermosa mañana
I always try to balance things a little, every time I visit a medical professional I try to end up in a beautiful place in the city.
The idea is not to come home with all the tension that comes with taking care of your health, I try to come home with balanced emotions, and visiting places like this, and taking photographs, is my way of releasing emotions.
Thank you very much for the great support you always give me.
Have a beautiful morning
This! Legit! And it's like, you want the clock to stop for another hour so that we cab enjoy more the surrounding outside. It's just that, being outside can really bring us a lot of peace.
By the way, love all the shot. Thry all magnificent ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Yes, it seems like a lie, but when you are enjoying something beautiful, time flies by.
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a great comment.
Have a beautiful morning dear friend
I love sports and activeness as well. I could walk for miles with good company. Great activity and having to encourage your wife to walk with you👍🏽🤩✨
The river is a highly appreciated place not only for those who want to navigate, but also for those who want to walk along its coasts. I always enjoy this beautiful place in the company of my wife.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support you give me.
Have a splendid morningHello dear friend @whitneyalexx good morning
That is so nice. The pleasure is mine🙏🏽 Have a splendid day.
Que temperaturas tan altas! 53 grados es terrible, recuerdo que una vez paso eso en Bahía Blanca y como la ciudad esta en un pozo era insoportable. Pero caminando por la costa la cosa cambia. Que fotografías más hermosas de ese atardecer, me encantan! Gracias @jlufer y que tengas muy buen día!😃
Que alegria que mis fotografias hayan sido de tu agrado querida amiga
El gran problema que estamos teniendo en la humedad, es lo que hace elevar la sensacion termica.
Las constante lluvias no solo afecta al clima, ahora tambien esta provocando una invasion de mosquitos, y muchas personas han contraido la efermedad del dengue, frente a mi casa ya hay dos personas que fueron hospitalizadas, por lo que puede leer, la afeccion es peor que el covid.
Hay mucha preocupacion en la ciudad
muchas gracias por el gran apoyo que siempre me brindas
Que pases un esplendido dia
Esperemos que no pase a mayores y a cuidarse!! Aquí presente, un placer!😃
Nice views on your walk, but I am flabbergasted you have to be there by 3Am and the Dr doesnt turn up till noon that is crazy
Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)
The state medical service is very bad, the care is terrible, but there is no other alternative.
Thank you very much for your empathy dear friend. Have a beautiful morning
I love boats and water. Living near the water is my dream. Maybe someday I'll be able to do it😊
Living in a city with a lot of coast is great, Corrientes is a city that is surrounded by a river.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit
Have a wonderful afternoon I hope that at some point you can fulfill your dreams of living in front of the sea, that would be great dear friend @torem-di-torem
Que chuladas tus fotos como siempre!!! He dejado en mi blog un video relajante, pásate a verlo a ver que te parece...
Un abrazo @jlufer!
Me encanto tu video, nos enseñas un playa muy bonita, pasaria horas y horas sentado alli
Muchas gracias querida amiga @avellana por apreciar mis fotografias, eres muy gentil