Hello, my best wishes to this beautiful community. This is the first post that I do here, I come to share my thoughts while I was walking on my way to work. I live in Santa Clara, a city in Cuba. Sometimes we have the automatic pilot activated and we do not stop to observe what surrounds us. We need so little to be happy!! A beautiful landscape, the good morning of our loved ones, a morning coffee.
Hola, mis mejores deseos a esta linda comunidad. Este es el primer post que hago acá, vengo a compartirles mis pensamientos mientras paseaba de camino a mi trabajo.Vivo en Santa Clara, una coudad de Cuba. A veces tenemos el piloto automático activado y no nos detenemos a observar lo que nos rodea. Necesitamos tan poco para ser feliz!! Un lindo paisaje, los buenos días de nuestros seres amados, un café mañanero.

There are so many ways to feel gratitude, we live so convinced of how much we lack that sometimes we are not able to see how much we have. The truth is that the last few years have not been easy, I think it is a common thought that our world suddenly turned upside down and most of us have had to deal with a higher level of stress.
I went out with the intention of relaxing my mind, I have a tendency to overthink things too much. It's not good, we can hurt ourselves. But in a way, the same landscapes that I was so used to seeing calm me down. Those leafy trees that surround the park that I have walked so many times, those beautiful flowers that are on the other side of the fence where I walk.
Hay tantos modos de sentir gratitud, vivimos tan convencidos de cuánto nos falta que no a veces no somos capaces de ver cuanto tenemos. La verdad los últimos años no han sido nada fácil, creo que es un pensamiento común de repente nuestro mundo dio un vuelco enorme y la mayoría hemos tenido que lidiar con un mayor nivel de estrés.
Salí con la intención de relajar mi mente, tengo la tendencia de sobrepensando demasiado las cosas. No es bueno, nos podemos hacer daño nosotros mismos. Pero de una manera, los mismos paisajes que estaba tan acostumbrado a ver me calman. Esos árboles frondosos que rodean el parque que tantas veces he caminado, esas bellas flores que están al otro lado de la cerca donde camino.

That old building that can be seen in the background, nothing more and nothing less than what is known in my city as the Palace of Justice. Those trees that bloom indistinctly throughout the city and that draw us to more cries of adoration. It is true that in such small things you can find so much!!! Life is full of ups and downs but let's never stop enjoying those little details that make life magical.
Ese edificio viejo que se ve en el fondo, nada mas y nada menos que lo que se conoce en mi ciudad como el Palacio de Justicia. Esos árboles que florecen indistintamente por toda la ciudad y que nos sacan a más gritos de adoración. Verdad que en cosas tan pequeñas se puede encontrar tanto!!! La vida está llena de altibajos pero nunca dejemos de disfrutar de esos pequeños detalles que hacen que la vida sea mágica.
"Life is not how we want"- says my mother. Unfortunately there will always be something that we lack in our ideal of happiness. But what do we have? And if we are grateful for those good mornings that our family gives us, those 500 missed calls that our mother makes us, that clear sky, those smiles that hide so much but that do not prevent someone who even knows us from giving it to us.
"La vida no es como queremos"- dice mi madre. Lamentablemente siempre va a haber algo que nos falta en nuestro ideal de felicidad. Pero y lo que tenemos? Y si agradecemos esos buenos días que nos da nuestra familia, esas 500 llamadas perdidas que nos hace nuestra madre, ese cielo despejado, esas sonrisas que ocultan tanto pero que no impide que a veces alguien que nos siquiera nos conoce nos la regalé.

So many things to be thankful for made me think: it is true that I have a long way to go to fight to achieve my goals, but it is time to enjoy the process, be honest with yourself and above all things Live and not exist". Thank you if you read me up to here I would really appreciate it if you let me know if you liked it.
Tantas cosas que agradecer me hicieron pensar: es cierto que me falta mucho por luchar para obtener mis objetivos, pero es momento de disfrutar el proceso, ser sincero contigo mismo y sobre todas las cosas Vivir y no existir". Gracias si me leíste hasta acá, de verdad agradecería que me comentara si te gustó.

All photos were taken from my Samsung Galaxy A7 mobile. Translated text from Google Translate/
Todas las fotos fueron tomadas desde mi móvil Samsung Galaxy A7. Texto traducido desde Google Traslate
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you mention walking helps you to stop over thinking things, its the same way for me, I have what some call a hyper mode brain and walking seems the only way I can slow it down enjoying the beauty of whatever I see
thanks for joining the Wednesday walk and sharing a lovely walk
Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk, its my pleasure to host it and see all the posts each week from all around the world, including yours, if you have time visit some of the other walks this week there are so many interesting ones
Now I know most only post once a week using the Wednesday walk tag or community and I truly appreciate that and love visiting the posts so for most of you you can ignore the next sentence
I try and be nice and let people know via a comment to only post once a week, but some just abuse it and to me spam multiple posts a week, after asking nicely a few times and being ignored, this morning I regrettably had to mute a couple of people who were spamming the Wednesday walk tag
Thank you very much for answering. I appreciate it. I'm glad you liked it. I will respect the laws of the community.