A pair of eyes

in Wednesday Walk6 months ago


I was relaxed and unconcerned, having a carefree morning walk. No bad thoughts in my head, not a hint of something remotely dangerous around me. The town is small and safe, the weather wonderful and the morning serenity undisturbed.

And then I felt it!

A pair of eyes staring at my back. A pair of eyes in a place that no eyes should have been. The steep hillside, full of prickly pears is no place for a pair of eyes to be. Yet, I was sure they were there.

I turned my head cautiously, not knowing what I'll see but determined to face it, whatever it might was.

And there it was.

A cat!

An annoyed but totally harmless cat was looking me from the comfort of the prickly pear she was sitting on :)




I took a picture of her (of course) and relieved, I continued my walk. But now I was holding my phone and you know me. If I start taking pictures, it is hard to stop! And the admirable cactuses that survived one more horribly warm summer were so full of fruits that gave me more than a few excuses for pictures.





Did you notice how they grow directly on the rock, without any soil at all? Truly remarkable plants. I look at them with awe every time I pass by and that's not once in a while, on the contrary. I take this road regularly but I still can't get enough of them :)




A cruise ship was anchored offshore since it was too big to enter the port and a bunch of tenders were transporting the passengers to the town. Another busy day for the historical centre!

As my walk is circular around a hill, I soon found myself to the sunny side of it. I took a couple more pics and put the phone in my pocket. I had to go home and for the last meters I had to walk with the sun straight in front of me, not the most pleasant part of my route. I shouldn't complain though, most of my walk was in the shade and it was a bliss :)




This is my contribution to the #wednesdaywalk challenge, hosted by @tattoodjay!

I took those pictures with a Redmi Note 12s mobile phone and did some minor editing on the phone itself.

All the pictures and the words are mine.

Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.

Commenting, upvoting and rebloging are highly appreciated!


Any Hive publication that starts with a beautiful cat is invitation enough for me to come over and read 😅 although this little friend has the face of few friends hahaha. The plant growing on the rocks is impressive, but wow, the views and photos of the sea from the shore were the best gift of this post. This country is beautiful, I hope to visit it someday, thank you for sharing this post 🙏

I am glad you enjoyed it @jesuslnrs :)

I hope you'll have the chance to visit Greece yourself sooner than you think!

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

You too :)

cactus one of my fav plants

Thank you for stopping by @latinowinner :)

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

❤️ @dimascastillo90 suggested

Αυτές οι φραγκοσυκιές μου θύμισαν την αμυγδαλιά που είχες φωτογραφίσει σε ένα post και είχε φυτρώσει σε ένα βράχο η σε ένα γκρεμό, δεν θυμάμαι καλά, τί να έγινε η κακομοίρα με τόση ζέστη 🥵😕🌸.
Παράξενο αυτό το γατί να ήταν εκεί 🤔 χαχαχα

Τις είχα ξεχάσει τις μυγδαλιές! Ούτε που πήγα να δω αν γίναν τα αμύγδαλα. Μπορεί να ανέβω μία από αυτές τις μέρες να δω τι γίνονται και θα σου πω!

Βρε την κακομοίρα την ξέχασες 😕🤦🏻‍♀️, σίγουρα όμως αυτή θα σε περιμένει και με σωρό αμύγδαλα μάλιστα 😃😉.