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RE: A Walk Through Time: Visiting the Remnants of the Mataram Sultanate in Kota Gede

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

We also came across a sign in Javanese, which my mom and I couldn't understand.

I think you can't take photos on the tomb, a prohibition.
Now I understand that "tusetel" was clearly used during old times, as I can remember my grandparents use this word to describe the "modern day camera"

Maybe sometimes when you are back in Bali, you should visit som of the Puri's (Balinese Palace).


Cool.. tusetel...

In Dutch its toestel. And we used to say a telefoon-toestel or indeed foto-toestel.

really? That is so awesome. I believe it is influence by the Dutch occupation during that era. But so cool.

Yes sir,

I think its very cool as well to hear the influence of the Dutch language in Indonesian language. I also talk to people from South Africa a former Dutch colony. And they talk Dutch in a very cool old scool way.

Of course the colonisation was a crime. But i cant change history but at least we can enjoy the cool stuff about it, right?


really? I didn't know Balinese has many similarities with old Javanese 😄. It's my plan next time, I've been to the famous one but I am sure I can go to more of them. One the most interesting one to me was pura Batu Karu and next time I wanna visit Lempuyangan temple, it looks so mesmerizing in picture!

yes, I can understand some of the old Javanese we called it Basa Kawi, and some of the old Balinese transcript use this language.

Nah, you better don't go to lempuyang, don't expect a pool before that famous Heaven Gate. lol it is just a yard.

you can check Patal Kikian Villas near sidemen. It has a stunning view of the Mt. Agung from its pool.