It is always nice to start your day with nature at your feet. Being outside always gives me a sense of overall well-being. Today this post is dedicated to #WednesdayWalk by @Tattoodjay. It is a wonderful tag that I always look forward to! I like to stroll about, taking in nature and life. What better way to document my day than to take a walk through life? It promotes a healthier lifestyle and fosters that natural connection to living things. Everything is still pushing out the color in the most glorious way. The grass has been allowed to grow wild and free while the flowers continue to put out their blooms. Eventually, someone will do the end-of-season cut, probably sometime around the end of October or the beginning of November. I kind of like it a little on the wild side. But, that is just me. The difference between the State Park looks and the Estate look. Which do you prefer?

I always walk outside to my front porch and point up into the sky. It is such a familiar sight that I put on my posts. I stand pretty close to the same spot, almost every time, a little to the right and the tree is in the way, a little to the left and its twin obscures my view. Morning has broken, in a most glorious way.

Looking up when I pass my favorite trees. I have at leave a hundred dozen of this one tree. More of others. I love the trees in my neighborhood. Just like old friends, standing tall, guarding all. So, tell me tree, if you could speak, what story would you tell to me?

What is your favorite kind of tree? Tell me, tell me, tell me, please. I love so many, it is hard to choose, there is something redeeming about each one, but, I might have to go with a Christmas Tree, even if it doesn't count. So is it wrong, I ask of you? Maybe it is the warmth emerging from my heart on this beautiful day. I want to post something that brings that feeling to people. It seems most can produce that feeling at will during that time of year. So, yes. Take this tree. Now give me some peace on earth, goodwill towards man.
It was a wandering sidewalk that leads me around the block, eventually meandering back to where we began. Are you a meanderer? Do you wander aimlessly or with just cause? I find that I walk further when I am aimless and not worried about where I am going. The whole point is to just move it, and keep on moving it until I am done.

Flowers.There must be flowers. Always. In the midst of the seasonal changes, I found there was summer still lurking deep inside me. #alwaysaflower

You can't have everything. But you can have a #WednedayWalk! And just like that, this post is over. Thank you for spending this time with me. There is nothing quite as refreshing as getting up and out early, seeing what the day has to offer! But, I promise to be back next week and we'll find somewhere different to use our steps! :) Have a great day and I want to thank @Tattoodjay for hosting a most wonderful challenge! Come back tomorrow and we'll do it all over again. Have a fabulous day! Life is good. Embrace it!
I love the brilliant deep scarlet foliage of this red maple. It has different colors all year long, ending in vibrancy every fall. An important food source for wildlife, I planted two in my yard. The wood of maples is generally light and used in the music world for violins, violas, drums, and others. Can you think of other things using maple?

All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.
It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.
May the joy continue to radiate in your lives, long after the season is gone, gone, gone.
Love to all, Denise

The Naming of Cats
The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,
It isn’t just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I’m as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.
TS Elliot
#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

Yes I know the feeling. I have shot the tree off my balcony for ages. Now the tree has gotten a bit unruly. I suppose I will leave that for the next guy to sort out.
Ha! Unruly. Why doesn't that surprise me? Do you know what kind of tree it is? I am surprised you didn't drop us a shot. We love unruly! :)
I actually know what you mean. I have a tree that by its description and type it is, should be regal and beautiful, not the gangly looking specimen it has grown up to be.
Thanks for stopping by!
Such a beautiful walk
I personally love walks in areas a bit of the wild side I prefer an overgrown field with wild flowers splattered everywhere to a manicured garden myself
As fir a favorite type of tree I can’t say I have one I love them all but I have a soft spot fir ones growing where you would least expect them ie on a small rocky island
Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)
Do if you have time check out some of the other walk posts, its like a wee break from your day to day reality
I will do that exactly, JJ! I have already checked out a few, but, will do more as I get more time today! They are really enjoyable to see where people are wandering off to. It is such an interesting tag, and I am glad you thought it up.
Such a great idea from such a simple idea!
I know exactly what you mean about them growing in an unexpected place. I agree with you!Or sometimes an unusual angle. :)
Now that tree is amazing
Dang sorry that was a generic finish to my comment you visit so many posts and leave amazing thoughtful comments so that wasn’t applicable to you
I do the same with the rules for #MarketFriday. So anyone reading it will know and if everyone gets it, you are not singling out anyone. No offense taken! But, thank you!
Yeah I must admit you inspired me to add something in my replies
It was a beautiful day, i prefer most this October-November of the year, as it always keep steady by nature, not too hot and humid or roughness of nature but starting a winter flavour. Its really good time with you, nature and flowers.
October/November is a perfect time of the year here also. I love it for much the same reasons as you! I would never have guessed that we have similar traits in the weather.
I learn something new every day! Thank you @sheikh27 !
Oh, that really good to hear abou we chose the same time of weather.
I can't hang about as I'm off hiking but I wanted to say...This is...
:) Really? How do you figure?
If you are out and about off hiking, it can only mean one thing... Okay, maybe two. You need to think and you don't want to, so off you go to hike it off or you went to the cafe, ate too much apple crumble, and, need to hike it off - or perhaps, none of the above.
Hope the hike was good and it brought peace to your soul.
Hiking always makes me feel happy, and yeah, sometimes working of apple crumble is a requirement. Lol.
I saw this bastard yesterday, Eastern Brown snake of about five feet in length, not a big one. (They get to about seven feet) Around now they come out of hibernation and move about looking for sex. Randy buggers, and second most venomous in the world.
I was adjusting my playlist on my phone when I saw something move...It was this horny bastard. Naturally I stopped dead still. It moved into the grass and I skedaddled away quick smart.
Naturally, this bastard is not swigly.
Haha! Eastern Brown snake. Impressive little buggers. Not in a good way either. Oh yes, spring is in the air and there's a lot of Twitterpatting going on. Soon everybody will get what they need or want and then things will come down, relatively so. Beautiful as it is, spring is one of those times where I don't like beating the bushes down.
Twitterpatting. 😂
Twitterpated love-struck romantically infatuated... didn't you ever watch Walt Disney's Bambi? Or were you just making fun of the way I misspelled it? Confess!
I've seen Bambi, and even knew a girl called Bambi, but that's another story altogether.
I wasn't making fun, it's not a word I'd know how to spell...Or even one I know. I must have missed that part in Bambi. I've been twitterpated though. It happens.
Boy, did I miss you and your buds!
You were sooooo missed!! You and you wit and charm! Did I happen to mention your brilliant writing? Because one of the the pains that stands out forever and a day is your truthful, poignant writing, Straight From the Heart. Welcome back, Karen!
And, you'll always be my one true flowerchild buddy. I have a funny thing I'll share with you later about being a flowerchild. Conversation with my husband. I'll dm you the details. Hilarious.
You can find me on discord dswigle3637
PS you will always be my blockberry!!
I thought about using the same username and decided to stick with my real name. Which is ironic since the last platform was supposed to only be using real names. I must be a rebel. lol
I think you might be! 😁 I am so really happy to see you! Tell me about the house!
Forget the house! What about the kittens!? I'm almost ready to start fostering again!
OMG!!The kittens!!! Where is my brain!! You are ready to go again?? Wait? You kept two, didnt you??
Yes! Jimmy Dean and Krispy Kreme! They're even cuter if that's even possible. Ha!
Lovely nature walk those sidewalks and streets look so well looked after noble prize for them :)
Haha! Thank you. I do love walking about in my neighborhood. It is such a safe, peaceful little haven. One of the reasons I hesitate to move from here. The people are amazing and so kind. Big enough for a village and small enough to be quaint. And people keep it looking fairly nice.
But, wild and free is there too! :)
You are so lucky to have found a little paradise on earth to live peaceful :)
it's interesting to see the area of your living. very different from where I'm.

my favorite trees are eucalyptuses. they are lost their bark all the time so mostly you can find their trunks bald and smooth. Eucalyptus may reach age 250. Not too long in comparison with many others but still much longer in comparison with me :-))))) they are picturesque as well because of their bald, sometimes white trunks
Hi, Victor! @victorbz I also love the Eucalyptus! My parent's house has two and they are new compared to yours. But, many in the area are older. The smooth bark and the way it peels are quite satisfactory. :)
And they smell quite nice.
It is a nice, somewhat structured place out of the city and not too far from the activity. So, perfect in many ways for me. The Shore House is even further, but, has the draw of the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Chesapeake Bay on the other, making it have the smell of the seaside. One of my favorite smells. Plus, the seafood variety is even better being on both sides of goodness. It is really skinny and I could walk from one side to the other. :)) Thanks so much for the visit @victorbz ! Do you ever use the leaves for anything?
some details from your regular living places feel like these places are very calm and quiet in comparison to the crazy fast-changing and too dynamic style life in my country. But sure that every place has it own disadvantages and advantages.
Seafood is one of my fav edible products. I don't use to eat meat, sometimes fish, but always when i can - seafood. It is too expensive here, even is not Kosher.
I never used the leaves of the Equaliptuses. There is some use by ?
Every place has advantages and disadvantages. Truth.
I eat meat, but, it is only occasionally and seafood has always been in my life. I am a product of growing up oceanside. The coastline is long here and seafood is abundant. Most of us fish/catch our own or have neighbors/friends that do and then, they always spread the wealth. My cousin also owns a small fleet of fishing vessels.
There are some uses for Eucalyptus leaves! I pulled this from the internet as they had it all nicely packaged. :))
Tea. Use tea bags made from ground eucalyptus leaves.
Aromatherapy. Add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to a diffuser or steam bowl.
Whole leaves. Hang the leaves in your shower or add them to your bath for a relaxing spa-like experience.
Bug repellent. Purchase or make a bug repellent with lemon eucalyptus essential oil.
Topical. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil into a carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil, and apply it to your chest to ease congestion.
ah i see. i just use the eucalyptus oil sometimes. no more. interesting to try some of these .
tea and aromatherapy are sounds great to me
I have a Moringa tree in my garden but nothing did with it. have to do some healthy tea from the tiny leaves.
You should try it! I think the aromatherapy is wonderful! You have a Moringa Tree? How lucky! You can use every part of the tree! The tea is herbal but tastes a tad earthy and less bitter than most green teas. You can eat the bark, pods, leaves, nuts, seeds, and flowers! Everything is edible. You can also put the leaves in salads. I have to say some say you can eat the tubers and roots, some say you cannot, so I err on the side of safety. :)
I know. I know. We only live once. :)
You can't beat a Christmas tree. My favourite time of the year!
I agree!!! Christmas rocks it!!! Wait until I am allowed to post more without reprisals! :)
Maybe I will anyway! We love our Christmas, don't we?
By the way @ellenripley - Only 100 days left til Christmas!
I can't wait! 🙂
My favorite kind of tree is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And I always wander aimlessly :)
Which should not have been touched by humans. Every human would still live in a perfect world, and not in this hell called Earth.
There are so many things that have disrupted our world. I like to focus on how to make it a better place instead. Working on making it better than it is has got to be more productive.
Yes!! Oh, I knew you would come up with the perfect tree! Wandering aimlessly has its merit.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words! :)
Awesome pics as always @dswigle! What type of tree is that favorite tree that looks so big from the perspective of the picture?
I have two trees I always stop to pat as I walk by when we hike the long hike. They are two fir trees; similar in size, and they stand as a sentinel and gateway along one of the paths. I've not done the math to figure out how old they are, but I'm thinking just in guessing, at least 200+ years old!
Japanese Maples are another favorite for their brilliant colors and in the fall, especially. I just plain like all trees! It's hard to choose one for all time!
Thanks for sharing your lovely area! Take care and enjoy!💜🤗
A mighty oak - and thank you so much! It actually is quite big and I suspect has been here well over 100 years.
I do have so many favorite trees, and who doesn't? Right? They stand guard of my neighborhood, watching without saying a word. None are needed. I wrote red maple, but, I believe mine are Japanese Maples instead. :/ Now, I am going to have to look them up. I even bought them and planted them. Yikes. I love all trees as you can probably tell, hard to pick one out myself!
Thanks for stopping by! It was great seeing you!
Beautiful photos!
I don't know what tree it is, but there is a tree by the river which has become a favorite. I always visit this tree.
I just knew you would have a favorite tree! I also figured it might be down at the river! :) That is such a beauty and I love the textured bark it has.
Oh, Mother Nature! She does it again! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.
Makes me wonder if I'll ever bite the tree... I seldom dream, hehehe!
But I have hugged it, and whispered to it!
We must have flowers always!!😁
I also think of trees as friends and wander about sometimes without thinking where I am going or even see who is there ahead of me or right in front of me.
Lovely images from your porch and you are blessed.
Love the red maple.
Thank you so much! We must have flowers - always! #alwaysaflower You know it! :) Trees are some of the nicest of friends, aren't they? I do love to wander about and thank you so much for taking the time and effort to stop by and leave your kind words!
The Maple is in front of my house. :) Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Hmm i see the maple in your porch images.. we don't have maples here.. Love the color and the shape of the leaves against the sky.
and yes we need flowers always. 😂
Thank you so much. You are such a kind and gentle soul
Yes! Flowers always! :))
My favorite trees are fruit trees- specifically mango fruit trees, simply because mango is my favorite fruit. 😍😅
Yes!! I love fruit trees! I hadn't even thought of them, but, I have peach, peach, cherry plum, fig, apple, and more!
I love mangos but, I don't think I can grow them here! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Good morning have a good day most beautiful flowers photography I like your all posts
Good night from here! Thank you. I appreciate your kind words.
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