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RE: Thanks and an update of my wife

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

It could be just the remedy she has been waiting for. It would be the best solution to eh problem at hand.

Those mismatched socks drive me crazy, my kids do that too and I make sure I match them! I want those shoes though!!!

Thoughts and prayers for Lulu. xo


Yes I do hope so nit needing the surgery would be the best
But in the back of my mind I dread the thought of she goes through 6 weeks of pain and then it hasn't healed and would have to have the surgery
But I have to stay positive and be there for her

I would love to get out fir a short photo walk and perhaps a scream in a remote spot to clear my head but that isn't going to help either of us lol

Isn't that the truth? That is what runs through my head, but, trying not to be such a pessimist. Of course, keeping her diabetic numbers low help, but the pain raises them. You are a great positive force and make sure you take care of you too as you are the crutch holding everything up.

I don't know what I was thinking, I have been trying not to put much on you as I know you will feel like answering, so I have been purposely avoiding it. But, I should have been posting WW. I don't know what I was thinking. :(

You could probably get respite help to give you a few moments away from it all. It actually may help a lot to have a few moments for you. It gives you so much energy. I am sure your insurance will take care of it. Shopping, walking or a nice nap might do a body good. It is perfectly human to do so.

Thanks again
I am trying to take care of myself and staying positive when Lulu manages to have a nap I try and get one as well
Only time I am getting out is to the supermarket and I race around quickly and get what we need and get back home

🤩 I think you an amazing selfless human being., even if you do wear mismatched are awesome.