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RE: Childhood Memories

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

It is important and not only to you. Each time you investigate a memory of yours, the culture flows or hints at it. It is a beautiful little town/village - I say town because it is too big to be a village. I learn about you a little bit more, this is fun. :))

The older housing that is a comfort to you is understandable. I like my house now, but, my emotions run deeper when I go home. It pricks my finger... drawing memories from my childhood.

Never say nobody is interested. It is always interesting. You have a unique way of presenting facts, wound around a story. It is a brilliant effect, so thank you.

I love the shot of your nephew! You really are a child photographer. You bring out the best in them! #alwaysaflower

Thank you! Have a wonderful day ahead!


I'm glad I made you think a bit about childhood, I think that's the main purpose of my story. As you say, I too love my home and feel comfortable in it and I wonder now how much I loved it at my grandmother's, even though it lacked almost all the facilities I have now.
I was wrong when I said no one cares. It was a general observation, I know you care and I thank you for that. Thank you for your opinion of me and the way I write. It helps me a lot in continuing...
I see you write more now, you write more than I can read, I can't keep up with you. I'm glad you're doing exactly the right thing now.


Don't worry ! It wont last long! :))

I have faith in you!