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RE: Sparkles like Diamonds

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

Do this license now will not last long oh, so I am enjoying it while it's here. They usually shut down everything in the Washington DC area when it snows. However oh, it didn't snow until after commuting time started. They also did not pretreat the roads this time, another fatal error. There were literally thousands of cars stuck and 20 to 24 hours later, they finally reopened the highway. It was a generous gesture on the part of the truck driver and his company. I will remember that the next time I go into a store and support the brand. Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you have a most wonderful day.


Every day is a good day lovely Denise. Little mistakes mount up to catastrophic ones with people suffering.
Enjoy the cold while you can and if like send some my way. I will be happy to share the heat. Blessings my dear friend. ❤️


Shardies!! Sounds awesome!! Have a blessed day!