yes - it took me another full day to recover hahahaha - when we got back from fishing - Mikey and I both laid down in the hotel and we fell RIGHT to sleep hahahaha
even though it was only 1 in the afternoon! LOLOL
But sometimes being out in the sunny air on the water - will really drain you fast! hehehehe but in a good way :)
I will have to make a gif of the lighthouse changing colors or something - just so that I can share those videos - there were a few that I took! hehehe maybe i'll do that so you can see it - it was really special! hehehe
Hehe, I'm glad you both got your needed rest. Ugh, I dislike migraines. I'm glad you are feeling better!
I won't mind a gif of the lighthouse. I would love to the changing colours!
hehehe ok then I'll do my best to get something on here for you :)
it was really a neat thing to see!!! :)