I can't enter my own challenge - but I can make it better! hehehe

in Wednesday Walk4 years ago (edited)

Good morning all!!

It's 10:20 am in California. I started with my steps just before 6 am - and I had 5k of them in by 8 am!!!


Then - it was time for me to get some work done, and I'm having one of those days - you know???

The days where you wake up and just think "TODAY IS A GOOD DAY"

I'm actually ashamed that I don't wake up feeling that way even more. Because @melinda010100 and I were talking in the comment section the other day and we were just remarking about life, and the challenges we face, and how things could always be worse.

Before I continue - let me just make a little side comment here. Most of you know that that I love posting - but my absolute HEART is in the comment section, because that's where things go from a one-sided dissertation (posting) to a connection (conversation between two or more hearts). And have you noticed that there are a lot of cool things happening in the comment section? I think that's because there are people that are READY to find ways to connect again after this year of feeling stifled.

I see it - I read it. I am ALWAYS perusing in the comment section and giggling at the little inside jokes and banter that I see. If its something that I think someone else will enjoy, I'll tag them. People like @wil.metcalfe are doing HUGE things to try to show that comments are SO valuable that THAT is where he spends is Hive Power supporting most! It matters :) Connection matters.

So I'll quickly show you where I walked (it was actually last night, and I held it for today's post) and then I'm going to talk about how we are going to take this DreemPort challenge to a new level :)

Take a look at the beauty here. This is Hume Lake - and I could spend an entire post about the feeling that I get when I'm here... but I want to save my words (and your attention span hehe) for the challenge!

So just soak this in and imagine the overwhelming majesty and peace that you would feel here. I guarantee you its whatever you imagine and more!!!


Breathtaking, right? It's just so massive.


This lake was NOT drained at all. For whatever reason, it has NOT been affected by this drought like the other lakes. Don't ask me why? It's about 40 minutes from my house and I do not know why. All I know is that I was so happy to see this lake filled to the brim. It restored some of my sanity, I'll tell you!


And this is the same lake - but viewed from a distance. You can still see the devastation from the fires ... last year? hmmm maybe year before. The trunks are all still blackened where the fires raged, but you can see how nature renews also! Doesn't that make you feel hopeful? It does for me. Cycles and balance. I love it.

Now... back to the Challenge and how we will step it up.

hehehe I think @sofs-su was nervous that I was going to add in something too challenging! LOL but don't you worry Sofs - you were part of the inspiration to this addition!

For me - these kinds of community things are so fun! When we can get lots of people involved and connecting, but too often, we lose sight of what the heart is. Don't you think? The fun can be overshadowed with other things that creep in. And I just want to make sure that I'm always taking every opportunity to be intentional in the way that I direct the things that I begin.

So here we go!

This week is business as usual, right?

We are seeing more people join in - which is a BLAST for me to see. I love when joy is contagious!
But we are ALSO seeing that people are just pushing themselves a bit more!

Remember that there is NO MINIMUM step count for this. You know what I've found? If you require a minimum step count - that will push people away who would normally join in. But if you make it about what they can do - THEY will surprise you (and themselves) every time.

Let me take just a second to shine the light on @sassycebuana. hehehe Last week she joined in, and took a light walk around her neighborhood. She had a bit over 200 steps but wrote such an amazing post that she was one of the winners!!! This week? She did over 2000 steps. That's 10x!!!!

Amazing!!! What does that tell you!

We have such ability to push ourselves and shine on! Sometimes, we just need to begin and let go!

For the first week also, there were so many people who made me laugh, and made me think and make me happy to have launched this. But two people stood out in my mind (well actually 3 more did too hahaha but let me just focus on 2 LOLOL to save your attention span that I'm sure is already beginning to wander hahahahaha)

@silversaver888 - do you know how she used her steps? To go visit a friend. (This made me think of you too @kaerpediem !!!! Even though you didn't join - you are ALREADY DOING IT!) She was intentional about using her steps to not just fulfill a challenge -but to make it matter, and to touch the heart of someone.

@sofs-su - do you know how she used her steps? To reconnect with her boys. And oh my goodness -that post made me LAUGH!!! As a mom, I know those treasured moments when you get to connect with your kids again. And what BETTER way to get steps in - than to orbit your children and their joy!!!

oh I know I said only 2 - but please... let me tag a few more people?? hehehe

@tatoodjay - He is actually a community leader and didn't have to join in! He's already HOSTING a challenge ahahaha but he did!!! He showed up and he actually wowed us with something different!!!

@amberkashif - she wrote the FUNNIEST post and showed SUCH creativity!!! and she downplayed that she had nowhere to walk!!! Because she felt as a stay at home mom, walking only from one room to another, doing mom things, and being restricted by covid would make it too difficult. And she wowed us with her funny post, and I just got a notification that she is back again for this week!!!

Ok - last one.

I did not know until this week, that @melinda010100 wasn't able to walk because of her MS. She told me that I could get my steps in for her hehehe but you know what? We don't have to walk to be active. And from what she shared - she is still VERY active!

So please - if anyone is NOT joining in because they don't have the ability to walk anymore? PLEASE join us and move your arms! or you head! hehehe do some dancing in your chair and sway back and forth and share THAT with us. This isn't about steps. It's about doing something as several communities- in joy - sharing that connection. and we want YOU!! 😍

So.... your mission should you choose to accept it.

START THINKING about next week's DreemPort challenge.
There are only 2 left!

Next week - I want you to ADD IN why your "steps" (or activity) mattered for the week! BE CREATIVE. It does not have to be a walk to someone's house. Perhaps you were moving around your kitchen, getting activity in - BAKING something for someone. Perhaps you used your steps (or activity) to send a funny dance video to cheer someone up?

Whatever you are planning - make your "steps" matter and wow @actifit. Take awesome pictures of whatever you do for @tattoodjay, and make @elizacheng (and all of us) FEEL that smile spreading across our faces.

Make it matter!!! 🤗

Love you and see you next week!

All of the challenge posts will be entered into DreemPort today!

Everyone who is currently helping us test on DreemPort will be randomly assigned groups to read and curate and rank! (If YOU would like to do that - let me know and I'll get you what you need to join in there)

The rankings will be announced tomorrow after all the scores are in! Then - winnings will be dispersed! hehehehe Very fun! Get your thinking caps on for next week please!!!

Logos for Dreemport were created by the amazing @jimramones! Please do not use without Dreemport's permission 😊


First let me focus on your walk that lake and surrounding area are so beautiful breathtaking I must say
And amazing it’s water level is fine

I love hosting the Wednesday walk and seeing walks all around the world and these two weeks I have been seeing even more with the Dreemport challenge and reading so many interesting and often inspiring posts so hats off to you for all your doing amazing work

For the WW I have no rules only guidelines I want it to be open to anyone

I have had a few people join who can’t get out and walk far taking photos from their garden or even out their window sharing their day and thoughts and I treasure those as much as any other entries

That’s a cool add on to the challenge I must remember that next week

I wish you could have experienced that drive up the mountain there - it got a little scary at times hahahaha but wow... WOW. so impressive!!!

I will have a video within the next week edited and sharing it - I'll try to remember to tag ya! :)

And yes - i know you had no guidelines also - and I love that. that is one of the reasons why I love this community and also @c0ff33a's #sublimesunday (though I missed it this week gahhhhh!)

because its all about just being who we are.

that is so important in this world. because we have enough limitations and restrictions. We need safe places to just BE!!!

and that's why I wanted to honor your community with our first challenge - because you have supported that so well here on Hive! so thank you!!!

and yep - i'm thinking of sublimesunday coming up for a challenge too hehehehe just have to let that idea simmer a bit ;)

but i know what you mean about people with limitations still joining in and sharing - i agree - those posts give me chills! because its like - wow. somteimes i complain about some really stupid things. and here they are with much more difficult struggles and look at how they show up to add to our lives with joy!!!

so yep - totally agree with you, my dolphin twin hehehe

and i'm glad you like the add on - it doesn't add on too much right? it's just adding a bit more intention to the challenge! I didn't want to stress people out - but also wanted to find ways to spread our joy OUT in waves and reach out!! hehehe

I look forward to seeing the video

I don’t see the addition overwhelming at all

I think you have ideas simmering all the time lol

I will say this...

my nickname is IdeaLeah


Far better than my nicknames over the years Chip’s the Ghost and now fir decades JJ

hehehehehe yeah - i like that one! LOLOL

and the ghost is still kinda cool!!!! i mean - i guess it all depends on if they meant it in a negative way or a positive

i think the ghost could be a super skilled surprise giver hehehehe

cuz ya never see them coming ;)

see?? all about the context! hehehe

Ohh yeah context can make all the difference doesn’t it

Thanks for thinking of me and opening up your challenge to be even more inclusive! When JJ @tattoodjay first stared the Wednesday Walk challenge I never missed a week. He didn't mind that my photos were all taken from the seat of my mobility scooter. But after months of taking photos out in my yard I ran out of new things to take photos of and became bored with myself. And then I got involved with Shadow Hunters Community and Feathered Friends Community and many days they keep me so busy that I hardly have time to go out and see what is happening in the rest of the Hive! I'm going to make an effort to gather some photos this weekend for a post for your challenge. Let's see how I do!

I love that!!!

@amberkashif felt the same way and I encouraged her to not be discouraged if she thought her pictures inside her house would be boring.. just to have a fun spin with it hehehe

Cuz you know... sometimes we just need a new perspective and we don't realize that our lives are interesting to others!!! Hehehe

I love that you are going to try! If you're too overwhelmed with the other contests, believe me.... I understand!!!

And you will be given a full reprieve 😂😂😂😂

But if you feel at all inclined, you will be warmly welcomed and so appreciated!

(You will be appreciated either way lololol)


Everyone has one's own boundaries of life. We are supposed to find beauty within our boundaries. To get what is beyond our boundaries we often overlook what is within it. Lol. I still didn't find very competitive entities around me to capture the photo of or talk about, but yes I am in. I am in not to win the game but to appreciate everything I have.

Thanks for the encouragement @dreemsteem

Hume Lake restored your sanity? WOW.. It's good :)

temporarily... let's not exaggerate the benefits too much hahahahahahahaha

WONDERFUL views of the area. I am glad the lake is still showing water... and the fire scars are showing signs of returning to life.

So many cool people, excited and getting involved in the #DreemPortChallenge, and #WednesdayWalk.

-Awesome lake view you have there na ha💚! Again, I remember my lake view address and place in the Uptrennd City Hehehe!


Lake is my most favorite body of water..because of the calmness and peace it gives. It was amazing that it maintained the beauty. Nature's way can restore its self. Like in our life, we could show all kind of positive and negative emotions and actions because we are humans, that could damage us if we couldn't control it, but as humans, God also gave us the ability to reserve a safe place for our selves, a protective shield that even if we are facing some difficulties in life, we still manage to protect our selves, and for me, these are the faith in God, the goodness of the heart, self-worth, self-value and the dignity. These will never leave us in all kinds of challenges in life. Like that lake, truly the view is so captivating. The posts you have mentioned were all awesome, the views their way of how they managed to achieve a walk with sense. Hehehe..truly admirable..one I couldn't forget was from Sis @amberkashif hahaha! It gave me a big laugh. Best of luck to the Dreemport platform, it has a great goal full of generosity and kindness originated from the founder of course Hehehe..just maintain a brave, selfless and kind heart, God will always bless it! Have a blessed afternoon!❤🌷


oh, the card reminded me of the old days. The energy we put to build something. But we are here again, togerher and united.

hehehehe yes!!!! so its all good - we bring that energy here hahaha

I think we are more organized and enthusiastic here

Well that's all good things!!!! Hehehe

So we are getting better! 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

-Hehehehe I will never forget how I disturbed you, to adjust my picture on canva for that card..remember? Hahaha..as always united Sis!❤🙏🌷

Lol. It was my pleasure to be helpful anyway ❤

heheheeh thanks lovely!!!! yes - that lake made me so happy - and oh my gosh - i forgot about your lakehouse in uptrennd City hahahahahahahahaha

that's awesome!!!!!!! LOLOLOL

Oh that lake seems magical. I understand why you are so happy. Its sad to see the fire destroying stuff but nature has it own way of bringing back life.
I got to read of a few of the posts you mentioned I will go and read what I missed out.

Yeah it isn't about the number of steps that you get in... its the spirit of the challenge which matters. I get you. @Melinda010100 is one of the most active people around here and yeah I was quite surprised when I got to know about her sometime last week.

This dreemport challenge is encouraging us to see the special in our surroundings that we usually neglect. So many people coming together to share their inspiration.

Last week I was more focussed on #makemesmile but I didn't know how I will do that. When I proceeded with my day, it automatically turned into funny. Thanks for the mention. It means a lot. Yes, I am in this week too. I had no way except being in. Hehe.

Is there a drought going on in California? I can imagine how peaceful the lake would be.

Have a nice day

Hummn. Wednesday walk challenge in getting bigger.
Can’t wait to see who wins this week’s edition.

hehehehe should be exciting!!!

Wow! 😍 I felt so honored and grateful to just be mentioned here. Thank you Dreem! 😊 I love the challenge next week! 😊 looking forward to Wednesday already!

hehehehe glad you are!!!! :)

can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

You realize of course the "value added" to one's walks, not simply to exercise (which is in itself a value), but to walk with a purpose.
I am having so much fun!
Thanks for the mention, @dreemsteem!

that's why I mentioned you! hehehe

because you had already added the value in the very first week! :)

so you won't even be adding anything - just continuing with what you're already doing beautifully!!!! hehehehe

I'm so glad you're having fun!!! :)

I regularly do #WednesdayWalks, I wonder if I tagged this correctly?

ahhhh - no S at the end hehehe

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

thank you @hivebuzz hehehe that is a very sweet number to see!!!

My goal is to be an orca this year! It is going to take a lot of hard work, but getting nice payouts on my posts is certainly helping hehehehehe

love that!! :)

We wish you to reach your goal! You have a nice motivation.You're welcome @dreemsteem, that's actually really great! Keep going like that 😊👍

See you soon 😊

I will walk to bring a smile to the community especially the ones that can't walk for any reason whatsoever.

that's the best!!! :)