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RE: Wednesday Walk in Search of Osprey

I've been watching the osprey non stop here flying by with logs (really such big branches) or talons full of seaweed, building their nests. That nest is so low, we always talk about putting up some poles ourselves for them to nest on with a camera on one year, I might try a lower one like this with a platform and see if we get any takers. Their numbers increase so much each year, I can't imagine we wouldn't.

It looks like a lovely #wednesdaywalk @tattoodjay


That would be so cool if you did build one and had a pair nest so close, :)

I have bene out a few times trying to catch shots of them and in particular catching a shot of one as it dives for catches and then flies back carrying a fish, no luck as yet but I am determind this year to catch them :)