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RE: Our Wednesday Nature Walk

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

Hahaha yea I am glad they do show interest in taking walks. This is one of the reasons I've had to fight my fear of creatures insects which has been good. ☺️

Really? You have? Oh I’m actually relieved to hear that lol!! We’re not the only ones who’ve been fooled. 😅

Thank you so much. I was happy to capture some images to share. Hopefully we can find some good photo spots on the next round.

You did a smart thing. That was my next idea, to get some spray before our next walk. We literally let them explore in the tall grass for just a few seconds but that’s all it took. I don’t understand why there are soooo many ticks nowadays. We barely ran into any back then. 🤷🏽‍♀️

It was a pleasure joining. Thanks for having me JJ and thanks for your comment on my post ~


Ohh yes infact I was totally fooled once, years ago I took a photo of a cool butterfly with what I thought were unique wings and share dit with a friend, who pointed out to me it was to butterflies doing what they do LOL

I have heard many say recently how ticks are so bad this year, so always good to take precautions

totally my pleasure to visit your post

Hahaha wow! Thanks for sharing that!! 😂

Yes I will do so from now on.


ME to I have OFF spray in my camera bag now :)

Haha nice! You're already prepared :D