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RE: Our Wednesday Nature Walk

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

We didn't eat them. I think at that point everyone was done with what nature had to offer. 🤣🤣

Thanks. It put a damper on their excitement but at least they now know this is what they have to face if ever exploring the woods too. It’s funny because I am so terrified of removing them but I know I can’t leave them in my kids so it forces me to be strong. 😄💪🏽


I have had my hubs do the tick pulling before. Those things are creepy! We do hikes around here, but we haven't heard of people getting ticks...I just notice them on the cows. Hopefully you can do some more nature walks that are tick-free in the future.

Yes they are pretty creepy! Something so tiny freaks me out quite a bit :D

Thanks, I hope so too. We just have to be careful where we walk next time and not let the kids venture into tall grass.