Wednesday Walk - IN THE FOGGY DAWN

in Wednesday Walk4 years ago

These days I'm driving to the city each morning, at 15 minutes to five, because a friend of mine who works in the supermarket there, has some car - troubles ... so I'm providing the transport because there's no bus that early from my hometown to Pula, the nearest city.


Usually, I just drive half asleep to the supermarket at the edge of the city, and while still yawning, go back home immediately after the friend has left the car ... but this time ...


... the dawn was cool, and not just literally, but it was also looking cool because of the fog ...


... so I drove to the ancient Roman Colosseum, to take a look through the fog ... I liked the scene very much, so I got out of the car and took a slow, long exposure shot to put the thing on photograph.


Then the early morning bus passed by, and I caught his yellow line ... you can see it in the low right corner of the shot.


After that historic stuff in the historic center, I drove back to suburbia ... to another shopping mall, not the one where my friend works ... this shopping thing is much larger, like a little neighborhood with its own square ...


... and two colorful monoliths that look like the gate to the consumer's heaven.


All that shopping center stuff that looks boring and mundane on a normal day, looked pretty cool and atmospheric now in the foggy dawn. I took a little walk around the place, and then ...


... I sat in my car again ... drove back to the old center ...


... and took another little walk ...


... surrounded by the same fog ...


... and considerably different buildings. And so, step by step ... shot by shot ...


... I was soon near the Colosseum again ...


... ready to shoot the monumental architecture and passing cars ...


... while the dark was rapidly turning into the misty daylight.


I continued walking ...


... loosely directed to the port ...


... guided by the streetlights that will soon be turned off.


I passed through the park ...


... and the WW II memorial ...


... the sculptures looked more surreal than usual ...


... there is a children corner in that park ... I took this shot there ... I could hear the gentle sound made by moisture condensed on the surrounding pine trees, water that was gently drizzling ... and somehow disappearing before forming droplets on me my camera ... when I turned on the flash ...


... those particles became visible on the shot.


After the park ...


... I continued along the port ...


The relatively big fishing boat has just returned from the night sardine - hunt. After this shot I returned to my car, and drove out of the city.


Approximately halfway between the city and my hometown ...


... I stopped by the road to take a few shots of the isolated small stand that offers peaches and nectarines from the nearby plantation, in the summer.


I took a few shots of the same motif, because I liked how the scene was changing as I was coming closer through the fog ...


... when I was close enough to take this ... kind of definitive, shot ...


... a tractor appeared from the fog ...


... and added a bit of action to the scene.


The tractor continued down the road ...


... that leads to Medulin, my hometown ...


... I took two more shots ... and then ...


... sat in the car and followed the same road. As always on these walks with some driving elements, the photographs are my work - THE END.


A war memorial, next to a children's park? That's a special kind of education. In the U.S. WWII is like ancient times to most people, far removed and almost unreal. Europe I think has a much closer connection.

I love the early morning shots. Besides the war memorial/park -- kind of ghostly-- I like the lonely fruit stand and the fishing boat, which also looks kind of spectral :)

Yes :D Here especially, because of our ugly little Balkan wars after the disbandment of Yugoslavia in the 90' ... the wars that resurrected some bad old historic ideas and war crimes along the way ... if you hear our news, you could think that the WW II ended a few years ago and Partisans & Ustashas (the local Nazi equivalent, with love for concentrations camps, genocide and all that stuff) are still the key elements in the politics.

We let go of WWII, and WWI over here, but somehow we can't let go of the Civil War (1861-1865!). That whole coup thing on January 6, in the U. S. Capital? There were crazies running around carrying flags from the Civil War.

Go figure.

H,he :D yes I noticed ... you had some really surreal events there ... it looks that connections with historic conflicts is pretty strong and weird in more than one place in the world.

@tipu curate :)

It's a beautiful fog :)

Thanks ... Sounds like a title of some highly emotional song :D

Foggy but beautiful

Very beautiful, peaceful atmosphere that is also friendly, very amazing

I love this type of fog :)

Excellent photographs capturing the many looks of fog. The smoky effect is dreamlike, unless youre driving in it. Then it's a white knuckle maker!

:) True, it's nice to walk and photograph ... but not so much to drive.

Wow! These remind me of Sherlock Holmes’s fiction! Mystery to be solved in the foggy town. LoL

You needed some strong coffee!

He, he true :) fog is a great thing for creating mysteries ... and Sherlock Holmes's silhouette would have looked almost like a logical thing in this atmosphere.