The Hour Of The Wolf

in Wednesday Walk6 months ago

My favorite walks are when I'm near the sea. This does not happen often, generally only in summer and early autumn.

This year was a special year for me.

I was near the sea in all seasons, for the first time.

My favorite walks are when I'm near the sea!


The place is Balchik, a resort on the Black Sea in Bulgaria, and it is no longer a mystery to those who have read my blogs.


Balchik is more than that, where Bulgaria and Romania, my country, intersected at some point in the first part of the last century.


My most recent trip, this month, and an evening stroll. Every seaside resort has a promenade and Balcic is no exception.


Twilight, when day meets night.


The sea water is shining, the sun is no longer visible but it still lights up the sky which is reflected in the sea water.



The small cove is home to an equally small harbor for yachts and fishing boats.




Walking along one of the harbor docks gave me a glimpse of the seaside resort, hotels, and terraces.


I saw something else I'd never seen before. A lone swan who has chosen this bay to be her home.


I saw her earlier this year, in January. She was not alone then, and I know nothing of her mate.


The evening brings tourists out for a stroll, a little shopping, and a dilemma, namely which terrace to choose for lunch.


The offer is great, there are many restaurants and terraces, many of them located by the sea.



The evening walk did not include a stop at a terrace, especially since the hotel we were staying is far from this promenade.

A brisk walk followed because it was already dark and the hotel was far away...


In our accelerated walk we scared a cat.


I remembered that this end of twilight is also called The Hour of the Wolf. I don't know if this name means that the wolf is the night that eats the day, but I know that it is a time that favors suicides.

Fortunately, both the place and the vacation are so beautiful that none of us had suicidal impulses!

This whole story might not interest anyone but I hope you find something interesting in the photos. Because, after all, photos are what it's all about.

Make a point of looking around and up and see what you can find to get shots of that otherwise you may miss.

Wednesday Walk, every Wednesday, like this one today.This is one of the recommendations made by @tattoodjay for those who prefer walking and are used to sharing impressions and photos in his community,

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Amazing photos!!! those colors are moving! and you make me want to visit this place but mostly I want to visit a road trip. I believe I ll like it...let's see what tomorrow brings! cheers!

Thank you!
I often wonder if it's right to be so enthusiastic about certain places and thus make someone want to go there. Because he might not like it. I've been to Balchik with friends and relatives and some didn't like it. After all, it's all so personal and subjective. What can I say about Romania? It's a mixture of beautiful and ugly, everyone sees what he likes. Romania is somewhat like Greece, apart from the beauty of the sea. A permanent duality: beautiful, ugly, new, old, good and bad. People are the same.

Yes tastes are subjective I know what you mean...
And agree on duality..there seems to be in every corner let alone countries!

You were lucky this year, if you could be by the sea in every season. Not sure how the prices are there, but here, in those restaurants by the promenade where there are many tourists, the prices are higher.

Yes, I was lucky, it was a favorable conjuncture. I went five times to the seaside in the same place, and twice I was invited by friends, who paid for the accommodation. In this part of the East, on the edge of the EU, prices are lower than in the West. However, they are increasing here too and it will be more and more difficult in the future. On the other hand, I shy away from expensive restaurants. I like to eat at restaurants where locals eat and where it's crowded. It proves that the food is fresh and cheap. I have checked this method and it works.

Sublime story! Just bravo to you 🫴🏻🫴🏻🫴🏻

Thank you, I'm glad you like it.

That is my favorite time of day too, especially on a harbor where the dusky sky is reflected in the water!

I am worried about the swan. They mate for life, I believe, and that must mean that something happened to her mate. Nature can be a rough place!

Lovely photos. They gave me such a peaceful feeling. Even the ones of the market, as it looks like a lovely place to stroll, shop and eat.

It's a beautiful and mysterious moment of the day. Something has happened to the swan pair. I have several photos of the swan up close and you can see that it is used to people. Probably it is sheltered and fed, but there are always brutes among humans. Brutes are primitive and lacking in education and good feelings.

They gave me such a peaceful feeling.

You captured the essence of the place exactly. Thanks, @jayna!

Last walks nearby a sea, it is going to be cool and cool here.

Yes, the cold is coming.

It's great that you've been able to go to the sea a lot this year because that place is beautiful, plus seeing those boats in the sunsets, I love it!

The evenings are beautiful for walks and even more so if it's near the sea. I totally agree, my most beautiful walks are also the ones I do near the sea. Thanks for this walk!

Beautiful cat!

Yes, this year was special for me and I had the joy of going to the sea several times.