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RE: Legend or facts?

in Wednesday Walk6 months ago (edited)

The name is pleasant and melodious, I like it a lot. Alicante! I don't like these legends that always end with the death of the unfortunate ladies in love. They are always forbidden to choose…
I would have liked it more if it was a story about a handsome boy Ali, who sang (canta) beautifully and the princess fell madly in love with him. And the emperor changing the name of the city for their sake... Ali-canta!

I love the esplanade, it's impressive! I wonder if there's a sea nearby, dear @mipiano!


Aw, your version is definitely the most optimistic one 😍

Ali canta for his loved one!!! You should have been the storyteller here! Well done, @bluemoon and thank you 🙌

Yes, the sea is nearby, parallel to the promenade!


Here it can be seen a bit, that's the harbour already

Yes, I saw it, thank you!