A Walk For A Cause: Anti-drugs Addiction Movement

in Wednesday Walk5 months ago

A cause is just a purpose if you don't walk the talk. One mind can't change the world but a few minds can lead a movement. This program aims to urge people especially the youngbloods to avoid drug addiction.

Spearheaded by our Guidance Counselor, we assembled from the nearby street where Panaad Park and Stadium is located. The reason that made this event fun for me was the means of transportation early in the morning. Since the assembly time was 5 am, surely, we struggled to catch a ride at that hour. As a result, no matter how early we set off, we still arrived late at the venue. Thankfully, the walk just begun after few minutes when we catched up with our schoolmates and Faculty members.


The walk was combined efforts from the different barangays of Bacolod, gradeschools, highschools, nonprofit organizations and colleges. It was about 5 kilometer walk and each constituents were raising their banners to show their utmost support for this movement. Of course, we're one of them who cheerfully joined the crowd with our banners. As one of the student leaders of my school, I was encouraged to support and lead the event.



Our faculty members were excited and loud from the start to the finish line. They posed in every photographers that stood by the roads who were documenting the entire event. They waved their banners and smile on everyone they meet. It was fun looking at them with such enthusiasm. It's only a few of us who represented the department, but we didn't feel behind when walking with them.


At around 7:00 am, we've arrived at the entrance of Bacolod City Government Center. The Emcees were welcoming each constituents when the walk passed by the stage. Then, a copy of the attendance were handed out to every group to sign.

The event didn't just stopped there yet. The organizers also lead the zumba dance which encouraged some representatives to join and dance with them for few songs. They also gave out prizes for those who could be spotted to dance well in the stage.



It was only the four of us who participated in the event for our department. It's okay since it wasn't required anyway. We could go home after that since it's only optional to register in the raffle draw. However, before going home, we queued in line to have our share of Arroz Caldo, bread and water since we were already starving from the few kilometers of walk that we had.

I saw a lot of politicians already that was taking advantage of the program. They're pasting their faces on the cups and water bottles that they were giving out to people. You could really sense the upcoming politics. But anyway, we shrugged it off and focused on the foods in front of us instead. Our priority was to fill our stomachs before going back home.


And since we're just passing by the downtown area when going home, we took the advantage of attending the morning mass. After that, it concluded our walk for a cause that day which I think could be an entry for this week's #WednesdayWalk by Sir @tattoodjay.

Thank you so much for reading!


It is a very Noble activity to voice anti- drugs, so that future generation Will be better. Thank you happy days.

Yes, it is. A great movement for a better future.

A beautiful activity, the photos are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Greetings

Thanks for dropping by.

such a good cause lets hope it helps some to avoid drug addiction

Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk
Have a great day

It's held annually. I really hope it does help even just for the awareness of the youngbloods so they could choose a better path.

Thank you for sharing this. Here in Canada, public drug use has become accepted, and as a former addict of a hard drug myself, I am seeing the deliberating effects of enablement. It is exceptionally hard to go out and see people smoking, and not be able to say anything about it...

Congratulations, and please enjoy your weekend! 🙏