in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

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DAY 2.

It's another Wednesday. It's been a while since I participated. Today, during break, I took a walk to my School hostel. The principal had set up a committee to look into the affairs of the borders and those who work in the hostel. I happen to be a new recruit in the Committee. 😂

So during break, we (the nine other committee members and I) had a meeting first with the hostel staff. We asked what problem they could be facing and they mentioned some such as the disobedience of the students to listen to them and the issue of cleanliness . Students do not want to clean after they ate, nor are they ready to lay their bed properly before going to school for lessons.

At 2pm, we held another meeting with the students. We discussed the problem raised by the cleaners, the patrons, Matrons and the house master/mistress.We made them realize that they will be penalty for defaulters henceforth. I went round to see who was eating the lunch with hands or cutlery.

Most times, one challenge the hostel staff have is monitoring. I suggested they start taking a roll call of students who come to the dining room to take their lunch and those who stayed back in School after closing instead of coming back to the hostel for another roll call. students who followed day stays.

Some who were very late to the dining room were reprimanded. They needed to come early, eat, wash their plates and head back to school for club activities. Our school closes by 4pm.

After the end of the meeting, I was called again for club activity. I am a member of the road safety club. We are just three teachers in that club along with the students.

We took turns to address the students. When it was my turn, I talked about the members coming Early to School to control the traffic in the morning. We have many parents who come to drop their children in the morning. Many are always impatient and cause unnecessary traffic. I also discussed the need to be safety conscious at all times. They are still students and not marshals as such, they have to also protect themselves in order not to be hit. They also learnt how to cross the road and what different road signs mean.

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I came home and hubby was in his way to visit a family friend who is just recuperating from illness, O quickly took a shower and joined him. We prayed with the family and wish them a speedy recovery and God's blessings.

What a busy Wednesday. How was your day guys? Hope you all had a nice day. ,

This is my day 2 post for the month. I saddled myself with the task of making at least one post a day before the time clocks 12 midnight 😂.

Thanks for stopping by.


I think it’s great teaching road safety to the students I wish they did here or that the kids listen to it they are terrible here

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Thank you for stopping by and for the support. It is always fun relating experiences of how our day went on Wednesday and I quite agree with you that it is interesting reading from people from different works of life. I appreciate your visit

My pleasure to visit your post

I guess teaching the road sign to student should be mandatory and glad to see you alive and well.

It is mandatory, it will even help them when they grow older. Thank you for your visit, God bless you

All pleasure is mine. Stay safe awesome and alive

Well Done @adoore-eu

I can guess that you are having a good sleep already. It's well deserved. Haha.

I didn't know that you teach in a boarding school. It's never easy to deal with boarders. I was a boarder at some point in secondary school and we usually get resistant to authorities after being dealt with on several occasions. Hehe.

Yes, I teach in a boarding school and I tell you, those children are something else. I am glad we had that meeting yesterday and they were exposed of their bad behaviours, haha. I hope we have made work lighter for the cleaners especially hahaha. Thanks for coming dear

Controlling students can be a pretty daunting exercise, talk less of when they are boarders whereby you have children from different homes and backgrounds co-habit together under one roof. Arghhh. Your post brought back memories of my experience in a boarding school, in the coming days i will be writing about it. Wishing your loved one speedy recovery too

You know exactly what am talking about. Even those who have the training and willpower to do better are being influenced to behave badly. I will like to read your experience in the boarding school haha. Thanks for this visit.

True words...i would be glad to share my experiences. I would make sure to mention you on the post so you dont miss it!😃

It will be my pleasure, thanks