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RE: Wednesday - I'm Alive

in We Are Alive Tribe28 days ago

I know what you mean about what Jeff went through being scary, I think his reaction was worse than my husband's. A few years ago my husband was stung by a wasp, not long after that he said his throat felt itchy and then it started swelling, and was hard to breathe. I called our daughter who is a nurse and she said to get some Benadryl in him, I gave him the bottle and told him to read how much to take, of course being a man he was not going to read it and just drank quite a bit. He said he felt like he was drunk but his breathing got better. He now carries Benadryl pills with him all of the time and has had several times when he has had to use them.


Thank you for reading and commenting! He took two benadryl and went into the shower. Once he dressed he said if this doesn't improve in 15 minutea. I'll have you drive me to ER. I ran to change and before 5 minutes passes he said please drive me. His eyes were swollen almost shut and tongue swelling. He was burning up.
I flew to the ER. He was red s a beet. He now carries an EPI pen.