πŸ“ˆπŸ“Š 'I am Alive Challenge' Weekly ( Jan 08, 2022 to Jan 14, 2022 ) stat report πŸ“ŠπŸ“ˆ

in We Are Alive Tribe β€’ 3 years ago

Hello Guys

Here is the weekly update of I am Alive Challenge (hive-155221) stats πŸ“ŠπŸ“ˆ report.
These stats are generated from posts created between Jan 08, 2022 to Jan 14, 2022.
Except 'Top Token Earners' Chart, which is generated based on tokens issued during these dates.

These stats cover below :

  • Highest Number of Posts by users
  • Highest Number of Up-Votes by users
  • Top HBD Earners
  • Top Token Earners

Highest Number of Posts by users

This Chart shows Top 10 users who have posted highest number of posts with I am Alive Challenge (hive-155221) tag.
@flaxz, @shollywills, @raishmi topped the list with 9, 8, 8 posts.

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Highest Number of Up-Votes by users

This Chart shows Top 10 users who have upvoted highest number of posts with I am Alive Challenge (hive-155221) tag.
@saboin.alive, @flaxz.alive, @iamalivechalleng topped the list with 174, 174, 159 up-votes.

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Top HBD Earners

This Chart shows Top 10 users who fetched highest number of HBDs from their posts with I am Alive Challenge (hive-155221) tag.
@bradleyarrow, @jlufer, @ironshield topped the list with 66.846, 40.251, 34.382 HBD.

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Top Token Earners

This Chart shows Top 10 users who fetched highest number of 'ALIVE' tokens from their posts/purchase.
@jlufer, @aliveandthriving, @iamraincrystal topped the list with 988.508, 836.398, 416.991 tokens.
Note : These Figures are rounded to 3 decimal places.

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