I am alive challenge #2/ Celebrating life

Hello friends, I'm so excited today that I am alive, with what is going on right now in the world, I believe that life is worth celebrating. Each moment, each new day of our life's worth celebrating. So many things happens around us on daily basis, I've seen so many cry, so many have loose their love ones, I've witnessed young people being buried as a result of one thing or the other. but to me and my family God has been faithful to us I am alive not just alive but full of life.



Life is worth celebrating because it is very dangerous to be in the midst of calamity and yet you don't know where the next one is coming from. Right now in the world we are going through an invisible World War, and it is dangerous because you cannot see it nor know where is coming from, but yet you have to run for your life, it would have been better if it was the visible war where you know when and where the troops is coming and know where to run to. But yet even in the midst of these I am alive, how I survived it, is what i don't know, but the truth is God is faithful.


I am not celebrating the fact that others have loose their lives and their love ones to this pandemic. My heart goes for every soul that has departed during and before this pandemic, most especially the unfulfilled ones and those of a very young age.

But I'm so grateful to God that even in all these I am alive, He said in the holy book that in this life you will have tribulations and trails but be of good cheer, He has overcome the world for me. This is my testimony, I AM ALIVE, hive is alive and I know you are alive too. Thanks to the almighty God.

Wishing you a lively day.... Don't forget to celebrate life anywhere at anytime.


@dantommy Welcome so much to our community and thank you for sharing such great photos and a heartwarming thoughts.

Your are absolutely right, It is wonderful that we are all alive and even though we do celebrate that, it does not diminish the pain, the stress, the strain and the deep sadness that most other people are going through and we give our hearts, prayers and gratitude, to share with the world, to hopefully make it just that little bit better for everyone.

That's a beautiful post @dantommy and I look forward to more. 😊

 5 years ago  

Great to see you alive and well @dantommy, and thanks for sharing your thoughts and gratitude for being alive, very welcome to the #IAmAliveChallenge, stay safe, awesome and alive.

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