what a great post to start my day with. it has stirred quite a lot in me.
when my son was very young I use to sometimes drive him in his stroller into our village graveyard in Mallorca. we would just stroll around in comfortable silence feeling very much at our element.
even though our village was not a very traffic busy one and the graveyard perched right on its main entry road, the peace within its walls always felt like meditating with your eyes closed, totally oblivious to the surroundings.
just an anecdote about why Cypresses are planted in and around graveyards; these trees love and thrive on Calcium which they find plenty of in burial sites.
I have no doubt that the cross on the stone is a later addition just like all these crosses on top of anything pointed globally.
finally, I totally loved the moment shared with the memory of your dad with Luna as the medium. this is absolutely priceless. it is funny you said you did not want to freak them out. I doubt you could. it is us who freak out ; )
I am leaving you another jewel to spice your day. have a brilliant one !
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Good evening @bigorna1
What an excellent video! She seems really fun. Obviously had to hit subscribe immediately and will check through her existing content in due course ;)
Interesting what she said about trapped spirits within the ley lines. So much of what she said was interesting really! If indeed I am supposed to be helping spirits in the graveyard she also seems like the right person to ask about this.
Okay, so cypresses eat bones! That's brilliant. Perhaps offering some kind of assistance in the Divine cycle without which things don't work so well?
Thanks for sharing the memory of your son in Mallorca :)
I just realized you published the above in the We Are Alive Tribe community.
awesome !
It seemed fitting ;)