I am alive challenge Day 1

in We Are Alive Tribe5 years ago

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For a couple of days I have hesitated to put a video online with my face on it. @ph1102 told me he would like to see the green forests and nice lakes of Switzerland in my video. Well I'm not there yet. I start indoors, maybe later...

explanatory post on ctptalk.I thought that the #iamalivechallenge was the perfect place to get started. It's an amazing project started by @flaxz. If you want to join this challenge here is the

Another source of inspiration for this video was a lesson in clicktrackprofit by another user @elianaicgomes. Thanks a lot Eliana for this video. She speaks about getting out of your comfort zone and I believe that she is quite right. To get forward, we have to leave what we know and go into new territories where we don't feel so comfortable. For me being in front of a camera is such a thing.

Let's conect on Hive, Lbry or on Publish0x

My free e-mail course: The 100'000 satoshis a week strategy

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Hallo, ich bin auf der Suche nach aktiven Schweizern um eine Community zu bilden mit einem Badge. Der Badge soll helfen schweizer Content und Users einfach zugänglich zu machen.
Falls du noch ein paar empfehlen könntest wäre super.
Danke und Grüsse aus Zürich.

Check mal die Gruppe da https://peakd.com/c/hive-132175/created d @sandymeyer hät scho agfange. Ich glaub aber e CH-Gruppe wird schwierig. Scho i de düütsche D-A-CH Gruppe sind nur um die 400 User und wännd eso luegsch was da täglich postet wird, isch au nonig soooo viel.

!BEERCheers! Thank you @tabea 🍀⚡♠️

Das isch eine vo mine acounts, und ja wird glaubs schwirig mit de userzahle, aber mer chend da jetzt e grundlag schaffe für zuekünftigs wachstum.
S onbording wird sich vereifache und ich bin mer sicher mit de entwicklig vo de nögschte apps wirds au meh massetauglich. Plus wenn Hive wider sonen spike het und ufe uf drei oder sogar höcher springt gits au wider en pull.

Es blibt ämel spannend haha liecht abdrifted, Danke dir @tabea für de suport!


Danke für die Nachricht. Habe die community aboniert. Aus der Schweiz kenne ich noch folgende Hive Users:

@zuerich @felander (lebt in der Schweiz)

Lieber Gruss

Gruess us züriHammer Danke @achim !BEER @zuerich und @felander sind hinzugefügt worden :)

super, danke... Gruess aus Einsiedeln

!BEER 🍻🍀🏅⚡🇨🇭⭐

Thanks for the mention, @achim03! You have made a huuuuuge step today and I'm so happy that @elianaicgomes and I inspired you to do so!

I have done something similar last year in October... I had an excuse that I have no good camera to do videos (and generally was like you before TODAY! :) ), but I have bought a new phone and there were no excuses... ;)

At these moments, I'm thinking about changing my laptop... And with doing that thinking about the new challenges that I would make possible to do and step even further from my comfort zone....

When you start to doing that, you are addicted to doing more and more...

Good luck with the challenge and don't look back!!!

It's a good feeling to have done this video. A kind of achievement over myself;-). I had no excuses at all just this inner voice that always managed to divert me from the task. Thanks a lot for your support!

What kind of challenges would you like to achieve with a new laptop?

Maybe there will be no new laptop as I was fixing my old one today... lol... And the challenge is in the "idea phase" and I don't want to "call bad luck" by saying it loud... :)

Waiting for your second video tomorrow!

 5 years ago  


Hive Community, check out our guide, I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide#IAmAliveChallenge engagement reward exclusive to our

Thanks for the tip, Erik... I can't catch all your comments to reply, but I upvote all of them... Cheers!

 5 years ago  

Thanks Zoltan, yeah I have a trouble also to keep up with all comments lol.😂

Oh geez my face ahaha
Is still a bit uncomfortable to be honest but I much much better comparing to that video lol
I am really happy that I could inspire you! Inspiring at least one person that's a sign that it was worth it!
You already took that jump so as long as you don't stop and keep it up it will get better with time I promise :)
Thank you so much for the mention!
I'm proud of you :)

Thank you very much for your comment, your inspiration and your kind words ;-).

 5 years ago  


Hive Community, check out our guide, I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide#IAmAliveChallenge engagement reward exclusive to our

YAY!!! Great job @achim03! You are a natural on camera and you already are crushing it by taking the first step & getting out of your comfort zone. You are ahead of 98% of the others.

Yes, @ph1102 & @elianaicgomes are both inspirational & they are amazing people to follow & learn from. We have such a strong & supportive community here so you will always have us cheering for you!

I am proud of you & look forward to seeing more videos with your face in them. :)💜

The CTP community ROCK! And you have started all this mess with videos... I didn't forget that... :P

LMAO! Who me? Couldn't be 🤣🧚💗😉

 5 years ago  


Hive Community, check out our guide, I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide#IAmAliveChallenge engagement reward exclusive to our

Thank you so much for your encouraging words @pixiepost! It's a nice feeling to have made this step ;-)

Congratulations @achim03 and thanks for coming onto camera and welcome to the I Am Alive Challenge

I look forward to seeing you more and more stories

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@thisisawesome Moderator

This post is AWESOME!

It will therefore get a manual 100% upvote from @thisisawesome (will be done today), for the Awesome Daily Highlights in category IAmAliveChallenge, we give out 1 such vote in that category per day, plus 4 more in other categories, and your post will also be featured in today’s Awesome Daily Curation report for more visibility.

The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Hive ecosystem by rewarding it".


Thank you very much for stopping by and your kind comment!

 5 years ago  


Hive Community, check out our guide, I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide#IAmAliveChallenge engagement reward exclusive to our

 5 years ago  

Great video Achim, and nice that you get on camera with your face, once you start there is no backing down, very welcome to the #IAmAliveChallenge, stay safe, awesome and alive.

Discord, and check out our Hive Community and our guide, I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide.#IAmAliveChallenge join us on

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Thanks a lot for stopping by and for having created this amazing project. I was about to start several times but always found an excuse not to ;-).

 5 years ago  

Yeah excuses are easy to make, overcoming them is the hard part.

breaking your comfort zone @achim03?

I think your friend @ph1102 is really proud of you :) https://hive.blog/hive-175254/@ph1102/lnsaiqmn