Today, BTC is $63,004 USD
Will BTC rise above 68k in October?
Or fall below the September 7th low of $52,454 ?
Can BTC reach $73k by the end of November?
Or will BTC trade sideways until 2025?
Latest Block: 865235
Minted: 3.13 BTC | Reward: 3.76992765 BTC
Mined on: Oct 11, 2024, 3:40:01 PM
"A total of 9,589.98 BTC ($603,976,925) were sent in the block with the average transaction being 2.2323 BTC ($140,590). Unknown earned a total reward of 3.13 BTC $197,127. The reward consisted of a base reward of 3.13 BTC $197,127 with an additional 0.6449 BTC ($40,615.79) reward paid as fees of the 4,296 transactions which were included in the block."
BTC Market Cap Dominance 54.26%, Down from 54.3% just 3 days ago.
How much longer can BTC stay at this level?
By October 2035, 97.59% of all the BTC will have been mined.
One year and a day ago, October 12 2023, BTC was $26,804 USD.
Do your own research, these are just observations over time.

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