Thoughtful Daily Post | Sepia Saturday

in Always a Flower3 years ago (edited)

Banner created in Canva | Image by Nandhu Kumar from Pixabay

Happy Saturday... how ironic! This will be a #sepiasaturday post hosted by @old-guy-photos

On This Day in History...

1709 Alexander Selkirk, the Scottish seaman whose adventures inspired the creation of Daniel Dafoe's Robinson Crusoe, is taken off Juan Fernandez Island after more than four years of living there alone.


I can remember hearing about Robinson Crusoe when I was younger... I thought everyone was talking about Jacques Cousteau... Yes, I know big difference! From Daniel Defoe's invention of a modern myth, and the reference to my "On This Day in History". To one of the most famous Ocean Explorer's in our time. I guess I always had too much on my brain... or watched to much sci-fi? Either way, you are probably wondering what this has to do with #sepiasaturday.

Sepia Daisy


Photo taken with Samsung Galaxy S9 | Edited with LunaPic

It's still a beautiful flower, even though I have added a sepia filter to it. Maybe this could go in line with my last post about Pretending to be something that you aren't, though its not the flowers fault... I took the photo and added the filter. Or could it be that, back then, my young brain understood the difference, but listened to what other's said they "thought" they knew about these two people? Either way... both interesting topics, as well as a beautiful photo of a Daisy from our yard last year.

From this mixture emerged Defoe’s major accomplishment in Robinson Crusoe: the invention of a modern myth. The novel is both a gripping tale and a sober wide-ranging reflection on ambition, self-reliance, civilization, and power.


Super Human Iri's


Photo taken with Samsung Galaxy S9 | Edited with LunaPic

A modern myth, described at the site as "Myths are specific accounts of gods or superhuman beings involved in extraordinary events or circumstances in a time that is unspecified but which is understood as existing apart from ordinary human experience." Now... I can think of many things in life I experienced, that seemed existent apart from our own ordinary human experiences... but that's probably because I was experimenting with Cannabis as well as Shrooms... but that's probably another post... I do know however, that this Iris blooms in our yard every year, and the smell is indeed more than just our "ordinary", human experiences. I guess the smell could make one feel like they had super human powers, but I have always felt closer to both my late grandparent's, as well as to God; to my grandparent's sake, for planting these in our yard when I was growing up. And to God for his wonderful creation of these delightful things... #alwaysaflower.

Underwater Lilac


Photo taken with Samsung Galaxy S9 | Edited with LunaPic

Okay... this is not an underwater photo, but have you ever looked closely at the sun, as it slowly starts to set. The light dancing and dipping, much like that of a water drop? I guess I spend too much time thinking about things... but life is so precious and short... I can't help but think of things in an "out of the box" way; keeps my mind off of having M.S. My M.S. Brain is starting to kick in. So I better wrap this up before this post stops making sense... not that it does now. Sepia is just a color... or an "effect" that we can use, to make photos look different than they do (I love this antique look either way). Some people spend their whole lives creating stories for us... going on underwater adventures, for those of us who may never get to experience them "first hand". Or creating memories that define the definition of "myths" or take us away for awhile, to forget about our daily lives. So too, does this wonderful initiative created by @old-guy-photos... #sepiasaturday. Speaking of that awesome old-guy, have you checked out his latest post? I would invite you to take a peek; it's about The Olympics, but if you want to learn more... check out this link below!


Snapshot from my Opera browser

I do hope you enjoyed my photos, as well as rambling! Hope you are still treading water... try to have a good weekend, my friends! And of course...

What are you thoughtful for, today?

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Try not to look too long at the sun(set) because of the tracers, but I know what you mean. Almost like a fire's heat rising.

Ha ha ha ha :) ... Good heavens, what an excellent way of writing.... I just laughed enormously reading this post of yours @wesphilbin , I don't remember since when I didn't laugh like that ... Even being translated with deepl the post (my native language is Spanish and my English is as good as my musical ear <null-lousy-atrophied>) kept intact your jocose gentility... I've seen you around on discord in some servers where we share... I've noticed a sharp sense of humor even in your simplest comments.... That's very good for everyone... It's a "gift" that must come from somewhere we don't know... Good job....


I'm glad my post brought you some laughs and smiles. My writing style is indeed my own. I have Multiple Sclerosis, and suffer from what I call "MS Brain". It's a lack of cognitive abilities due to my body eating the nerve lining. I always start out with the greatest of intentions...

It gets hard when I sometimes lose focus, or forget all together what I was trying to type.

Cog fog, or MS-related brain fog, affects many people living with MS. In fact, it’s estimated that more than half of people living with MS will develop cognitive issues like difficulty understanding conversations, thinking critically, or recalling memories.

MS-ers call this symptom “cog fog” — short for cognitive fog.


I truly appreciate your time and kind words, my friend. Thank you for visiting and saying hello!

!LUV !giphy Have a great weekend.

Thank you very much for answering and for all your words. I understand in part about your chronic condition; I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2004 and apart from chronic nerve pain and other symptoms of fatigue, my condition also involves things like depression, lack of concentration, memory and ability to interact, visual and urination failures.... A real orgy of symptoms, as I often say!.... Obviously, it is something different than MS-brain, but I can partly understand you.... I imagine that something has to do all this with the fact that I like so much your way of expressing yourself writing, something of me I get in that.... I send you my best wishes and energies. Thank you for appearing in #HIVE and for having also followed my account, you are a fighter with a very palpable genius, I know ... I don't write as well as you do, but I try to do better every day.... See you on the road... May the force be with you!

Yes, I enjoyed my time visiting it. Aside from the superb photographs, the words are always calming and hoping. Have a nice weekend my friend.


Always good to hear from you brother. I appreciate your taking the time to read through my rambles. I'm glad you find my words calming... that's my intent.

Hope you are having a good weekend my friend.

!LUV !giphy Thank You

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 92 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

I loved this walk both your lyrics and your beautiful photographs with the Sepia effect that I love for the antique touch that gives what is photographed. Life is composed of beautiful memories and others not so much. All of them count as experiences and learning. As you say, life is very short and every moment counts as valuable.

Thank you for always bringing positive thoughts that make us happy and enrich our spirit. The Sepia effect is definitely one of my favorites. I hug you from here, it is always a great pleasure to read you, my dear friend. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for visiting my post. I'm always so behind on things. But I do try to find time to share a little love and positive thoughts and energy. Sharing my #sepiasaturday post in the #alwaysaflower Community seemed like a perfect match. @dswigle also shares some wonderful and positive posts for us. So, I wanted to join in, and try to express my gratitude.

Hope you are having a good weekend dear friend. Love and light!


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