My orchid.
These are the flowers of one of my epiphytic orchids, Encyclia Cordigera. It's a plant from humid mountains but I received it as a gift from a friend who has left the country. I will always remember it thanks to my beautiful little orchids.
As you can see they're very small in size, less than 6cm. They grow on a flower spike and usually give 3 to 5 flowers. I was lucky because this one produced 3 beautiful flowers buds and they all opened happily already. They will now remain for about a month.
It is not an orchid that needs a lot of care. But it must have minimal conditions and it must adapt to the substrate where it is placed. This way it will have a good growth and maturation of its flowers buds.
It presents a delicious aroma that is more perceptible during the night. During the day we can observe its beautiful shape with 5 thick and elongated sepals, brown and green. In addition a labellum that is wider in shape and in the center presents some purple lines.
The plant comes out of a bulb from where only two elongated and light green leaves can be seen.
All photos are of my property taken with my Redmi 9 phone.