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RE: New Year Resolutions 🥂🥂

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hi @teminike
It is a positive sign that you want to grow and better so many things about your self. It's inspirational.
We even have some similar goals, I can absolutely relate on the part of nurturing relationships. Sometimes I get too comfortable in my relationships with people that I forget to check up on them, have meaningful deep conversations about things that matter or even make them smile.
It's one major thing I need to pay more attention to.

Since one of your goals is to read more books, I want to recommend "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. It will help you in your quest to accomplish your goals.
Good luck dear☺️

 2 years ago  

Thank you! It’s nice to see that we have similar goals and I can relate with the part where you get too comfortable and not check up on your friends. I hope you also do better this year and nurture your friendships 😊. Atomic habit is a great book, I started it a while back but didn’t get to finish it but I will definitely pick it back up and finish it this time around.