I so love dogs, I want to be a dog

in Hive Learners2 years ago


Hello good day everyone, how are you all doing today? Hope you are great and doing fine. It's another day and another time to write on the Hivelearners Weekly Featured Contents
Week 48:- Edition 02:-

I actually do not have a favourite animal, but then there are some of them that I really like, and I'd like to tell us about them.

. Dogs: To me, dogs are like the smartest animals on earth, and they become smarter when they are being well trained. One of the fun fact about this kind of animal is that they are so smart that they can feel or relate to the emotions of a human close to them, i.e they can know or feel when a person is happy and then they rejoice with the person, and they can also know when a person is sad and then either sympathize or try their possible best to make the person feel better...

Not all animals are capable or had that ability to sense the feelings to dogs, so I be like, how do dogs feel when they want to plat with humans but humans are scared of them when they mean no harm? They definitely will feel bad because humans don't know their intentions.

Another animal I like is the wolf. I think this animal is related to the dogs, I believe they are like family members, maybe cousins or nephews and nieces, any how, I just know that the dogs and the wolves are of the same family...

Now, I like these guys because they walk in a pack, more like family by family, unlike the dogs that are taken from their families and after sold, the wolves are always together, they walk together, they eat together, take risks together, fight together and so on...
So in all, what I love in the wolves is that I love their togetherness, their bond.

The last of them that I love are the lions and lioness, these ones are precious and strong and fearless in all their dealings, they always protect the ones they love, they might not show it all the times, but you dare not trespass around any lion or lioness, or even the cubs, as little as they are, they are still fearless, I love them so much...


That is all of the animals that I love, but then, if I was to choose just one, i would still have to go with the dogs, that animal is a special project, I just so love them without no bounds...

So if I wang to be any animal, it will be a dog. I do not know much about the species of dogs that we have, but then I just so love them, the, the energy ones, the hairy ones like a room dog, the fast ones, and so on...

Another thing I love about them is that, as much as they can be kind to a human, they can as well be very brutal, they have feelings too, so if you do somethings that is against their wills like beating someone it like, or a stranger stealing, and so on, it attacks to protect the ones they love...

Another thing is that if there was a reward for loyalty, the dogs will be one ones to win, because they are so loyal to their owners, unless you are being intentionally wicked, if otherwise, they submit their loyally and allegiance to their owners.

I can continue, but let me stop here, just know that the dogs are so special, they were wonderfully and beautifully made.

 2 years ago  

Brother what a great write up, I love dogs very much too. You miss that even the days that you don't want to know about them they are up there with you giving us cariño😅😅 some of them are too affectionate and playful.

 2 years ago  

Exactly brother, we humans can even get tired of their plays, but what can we do?

 2 years ago  

Dogs are loyal friend to man and they are also very protective of their own.

 2 years ago  

Exactly, their productivity is another advantage to man

 2 years ago  

You're right about dogs and wolves being related, infact they are both from the same species. I also love wolves because of how they always stay together as a pack, they do things together and make sure to protect each other, that's what makes them one of my favorite animals, also with lions

 2 years ago  

You understand what I'm taking about...
The bond that wolves has is so cool and should be imitated by humans...

 2 years ago  

It turns out that petting these furry ones relaxes and reduces blood pressure, preventing heart attacks and stress,

Yes, I agree with this. When trained they can really perform excellently well and they are also loyal. It just like their is a strong connection between dogs and their owner in which they can sense whenever there is danger and they will act quickly

 2 years ago  

Exactly, that is why why don't play with their owners...

 2 years ago  

Dogs are cute and lovely animals, and are even said to be man's best friend, so I can relate to why you'll choose it.

Nice choice.

 2 years ago  

Thank you brother.

 2 years ago  

I love dogs too, no matter how small they are when you an issue with someone who shouts at you and makes you scared the come out and try to shout back to protect you. The do I one had did that for me when no one could stand and fight for me my dog did and that made the person runaway for fear of the unknown.
As the king of the jungle I love lions too.
Thanks for sharing

 2 years ago  

I just so love dogs
Thank you for your time.

I love dog's too

 2 years ago  

Thank you for your time