About trees and guava flowers

in Hive Learners3 years ago

Want to tell us a little story about our guava tree.
And this is a guava flower.
When this small tree has been able to bear fruit, there are 7 na fruit, but it does not become due to pests. This tree again grows its branches and its leaves are dense.
Then I said the same father, cut the guava tree na klo ga fruit, pests are also rich and difficult to bear fruit. Keep saying, it's good to be cut down let's there nanem na hard -- (aka sure that it will bear fruit someday.

Finally after a long wait guys (ga long too anyway. the beautiful pink color blushes finally bear fruit as well. Although the fruit is still a little (aka learning to bear fruit times yes), it is okay to enjoy the important thing he has tried to bear fruit.

So the fruitful spirit of the event friends we are still a little fruit, but Klo continues to learn will be a lot. The important thing is to enjoy the process.

Mau cerita sedikit ttg pohon jambu kami.
Dan ini adalah bunga jambu
Waktu pohon ini kecil sudah sempat berbuah, ada 7 bakal buah na, tapi tidak jadi Karena kena hama. Pohon ini lagi menumbuhkan cabangnya dan daunnya lebat.
Lalu aku bilang sama ayah, potong aja pohon jambu na klo ga berbuah, kena hama juga kaya na susah berbuah. Terus ayah bilang, enak aja di tebang biarin aja situ nanem na susah payah (alias yakin kali ya bakal berbuah suatu saat nanti.

Akhirnya setelah penantian yang panjang guys (ga panjang juga sih. si cantik jambu warna merah mempersona akhirnya berbuah juga. Walau buah na masih sedikit (alias belajar berbuah kali ya), tak apa dinikmati aja yg penting dia sudah berusaha berbuah.
So semangat berbuah teman event itu kita masih sedikit buahnya, tapi klo terus belajar akan menjadi banyak. Yang penting nikmati prosesnya.


