Not all crimes.

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Laws are the rules and regulations that govern a nation, and my nation is no exception. Crimes are inevitable, regardless of the laws in place. Some people may choose to go against the law, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Some individuals commit crimes out of desperation to earn a living and support their families.

I often pose a question to people: “What if you find out that a loved one committed a crime to provide for you and others around you? What would you do?” If this person has managed to improve your life in ways you’ve always dreamed of, would you advise them to stop what they’re doing? Stopping would mean there could be hunger in the family.

I struggle with how to categorize this situation—whether it is a justifiable crime since the underlying intention is to meet the family's needs and create a better life. However, I want to focus more on the concept of "self-defense." Self-defense is the act of protecting oneself physically against an aggressor, which can sometimes lead to bodily harm.

Recently, I had a lengthy conversation with a friend who shared a story about a relative of theirs, whom I’ll call "Mr. A." Mr. A’s family had an ongoing issue with someone, but he was unaware of it until he returned home. When he was hanging out with friends on the beach, the individual involved in the family dispute approached him and became aggressive.

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At first, Mr. A didn’t take the situation seriously and tried to walk away, but the individual continued to pursue him. Eventually, the aggressor stood in front of Mr. A, pulled a knife from their back pocket, and attempted to stab him. At this point, Mr. A stopped and focused on the knife and the attacker.

As the aggressor raised the knife and tried to stab him, Mr. A grabbed the blade, and they struggled for control. In the heat of the moment, the knife ended up injuring the other person in the stomach. So the people around called the police, and they showed up; the aggressor was rushed to the hospital while Mr. A was arrested immediately. Fortunately, the attacker survived and is recovering, but Mr. A remains in police custody, facing potential charges in court for his actions during what he claims was self-defense.

The family of Mr. A was informed to hire a lawyer who helped speak on their behalf in court. In my part of the world, corruption has taken over, and the authorities use every little privilege for their benefit. Because such a case hasn't gotten to the point of heading to the legal court "that's like' escalating the whole issue.

I understand that self-defense can result in legal consequences, especially when another person is harmed. However, what happens if the initial attacker succeeds in their aggression and escapes without consequence? The attacker may face no repercussions at all. In cases like this, even though harm has been inflicted, I believe Mr. A’s actions were justifiable in an attempt to protect himself.

In conclusion, self-defense can be known as a justifiable crime committed in the act of protection, but the negative part of it is the fact that it can result in bodily harm.

Thanks for reading 🧡

 2 months ago  

I honestly do not think that self defense is wrong but then if the victim must be charged to court the punishment should be an easy one.

 2 months ago (edited) 

Yeah you are very correct.

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