The Psychological Traps of Toxic Relationships

in Hive Learners2 months ago

The world is quite complicated sometimes; when we see what people are going through and enduring, all in the name of love and the likes, you can't help but stand in awe at how ridiculous it is, and yet while you see it as bad and you're trying to help such people out of their mystery, you'll find them being adamant about staying and even going as far as defending those who are being toxic to them. I believe this is due to some psychological issues, and in this write-up I'll state my opinion about it.


Everyone knows the dangers of toxic relationships, how they can lead to severe fractures, injuries, psychological breakdown, and even death if care isn't taken, and it's surprising how some people who, on a normal day, you'll hear them talk about the need to flee from any toxic relationship, would still be the same set of people who'll be enduring the same and giving ridiculous excuses to defend the person inflicting such on them.

A few years ago, during my undergraduate days, I used to live in the same hostel with a lady who was in a relationship with a guy back then. This guy literally spent most of his time at her place and even depended on whatever the lady's parents gave her as what they'll both eat, and yet despite the fact that the lady is the sole provider of their relationship and gives him her all, he'll still maltreat her, beating her and even sometimes bringing another lady to the house and locking the actual owner of the house outside till he's done.

It's quite surprising and disheartening to see someone go through all of those. I mean, if it were my sister who was in her shoes and I was aware, I know I'll definitely do an undo, but then I, for one, just like every one of her other neighbors, still try to sit her down and talk sense into her, but all she does is cry, wailing in pain and defending his actions. You'll hear her say things like, It's my fault; I caused it; I shouldn't have done what I know he doesn't like.


I mean, does that even sound reasonable? Regardless of if you do something right or wrong, that's never an excuse for you to get beaten by someone who claimed they loved you or even take another lady to the same house you both stayed in. It's just ridiculous, but what can I do? All we can do is advise, and the last time we the neighbors took actions into our hands by chasing the guy away, it was the lady herself who ended up going to plead with him to forgive her. Funny enough, he still beat her that very day he returned.

So using that lady's situation alongside others I've witnessed who continually endure toxic relationships, like I said earlier, it's a psychological issue. I mean, that's what I think. It's because after several conversations with most of them, one thing I've come to notice is that they're afraid of losing someone they love, probably afraid of the ideal of being without them or living without someone who loves them.


Another is the fact that they're afraid of what the future holds for them; most times these people are so engrossed in their current relationship that they don't picture themselves outside of it; they don't see a future for themselves outside that place, and that's why they keep defending these riffraff who don't respect them or care for them one bit.

Sometimes these partners of theirs are the ones who have taken advantage of their trauma to manipulate their mindset; it's quite disheartening, but then it's the truth, and other times it's due to societal pressure. Many of these people, although they felt the pain of being abused, yet they can't leave because people around them keep pressuring them about the need to get married and settle down, and because of that, they'll keep enduring the challenges just so they can meet the needs of the society.


So I believe those are some of the reasons why these people choose to endure rather than leave for their own wellbeing and in aspects of toxic boss or work environment, one major reasons why people keeps enduring and not leave is because they know how difficult it's to get a job and since they've bills to pay, they Just keeo enduring whatever comes, so they'll at leats have a source income, because they're not certain of their ability to secure another job early if they leave that behind because of the toxicity that's there.

Overall it's my prayer that everyone in such situation finds the strength to leave and that there'll come to the realisation that what they're enduring isn't ideal, that people around them will rise and render them the support required to leave, and have the ability to dream again, realising that they're king's and queen, who deserves nothing but the best.

All photos are taken and edited on canva.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 2 months ago  

Huh! That guy you mentioned of is nuts and the lady for whatever reason she has is very very stupid, what kind of rubbish did I just read, jeez! Damn! In your own house? What's wrong with this generation for real?

It's a sad reality for real and the reasons are even dumb for real regardless of what they are... I mean, you should be alive first for you to even hear what people say isn't it?

No one deserves that kind of relationships for real

 2 months ago  

I'm telling you my brother, it's just annoying seeing her go through all that, we tried our best but it wasn't effective in helping her, although her parents later heard about it and came through, if not I wonder what her story would have been.

 2 months ago  

Chaiiiiii.... So so bad

That' of a boss is understandable. But what about marriage? Some people just stay back and lose their lives. We need to educate the younger ones coming up about moving out of a toxic relationship when need be.
Thanks for sharing

 2 months ago  

It's indeed about something we can bear or endure and everyone deserves better treatment, that sensitisation will go a lot long way.

My younger sister was gisting me about her neighbor, who is not up to 22 years old, and what she's going through in the hands of her boyfriend.

My sister said she asked the girl why she's still in the relationship with the guy even with the way he beats, insults, and disrespects her, and her reply was she has suffered for him, and she can't allow another girl to come and enjoy where she has labored.

Somehow I feel it's a lack of self-love and value that makes a lot of people remain in toxic relationships. Because there's no way you would love yourself and stay remain with someone that disrespect you

 2 months ago  

You've said it all, If she values and loved herself, she won't stay and go through all that, her mentality needs to be worked on and so is that of everyone going through the same.

Seriously they need to work on their mindset

 2 months ago  

There are some people with special abilities of endurance but I don't think I can hold that. God must truly help us.

 2 months ago  

I don't think endurance should be something ultilise in such places, victim ought to flee.

 2 months ago  

This story just increased my thoughts on toxic individuals and their victims.

I mean, I know of three different relationships that played out exactly as this one written here. But, one thing that baffles me is how the victims think toxicity is part of love.

I wish they find healing and realize what true love means someday, soon.

 2 months ago  

It's just strange and we probably might never get to understand what lead to such thought for them.

 2 months ago  

We really may not understand them because it's so hard for us to get into their head.

 2 months ago  

People need to learn to walk away from situations that affects them whether physically or emotionally, just leave already don't come up with excuses.

 2 months ago  

That's the truth, unfortunately that isn't happening, we need to help them.

 2 months ago  

Hello there, Sir Vick. Toxic people are the worst, just like that guy. I feel sorry for people who are stuck in a toxic relationship. I watch videos of people, especially ladies, who got brutalized by their partners. The funny thing is that they’ll still stay with them.
God help them.

Thanks for sharing, sir.

 2 months ago  

It's unfortunate that they don't realise what they're going through and the demand it's causing to them because they're blinded by love or what they stand to gain in the relationship, I pray they all receive help.
Thanks for sharing your take.

 2 months ago  

Of course the best we can do is to advise the people in toxic relationships, but most of the times it doesn't work. I have for once told a lady the truth and she end up telling his partner. Love is so blind, I just believe they are psychologically disturbed. Because how can a guy be beating you and you will still be begging him.

 2 months ago  

Yes o, it's a phycological problem and sometimes they need a therapist or their family members to take forceful actions to save them from such prison.

@vickoly This is so true! I've seen people stay in toxic relationships and it's heartbreaking. Fear, societal pressure, and trauma can be such powerful forces. I hope people find the strength to leave and discover their self-worth. Thanks for sharing this.

Wow... narated with maturity... your kidding me, that lady is with that ass fellow, who takes her money, beats her and has affair with another lady!

I can understand if she was dependent on him but she's not...then why this maddness.

Well... you have to love yourself first, and take ccare of yourself and then let your good qualities shine, so good people come along.

Well... its written very well... we are compelled to stay - for money, societal pressure and insecurity... and we can't see the road ahead!

I have a friend who was in a married relationship... she got out of it and is happy... husband was drug addict and caused her mental trauma all the time. She used to go back to him even then... but now shes divorced and free from that hopeless relationship!

I used to advise her...she said she had no choice, her mom told, he would take care of her etc... but later her mom only told, enough is enough... its not worth enduring anymore... and she's freed from that past...10 years lost in her life.

She was ravaged, health deteriorated, endless cries and pains... anyway! She got the strength and did what she did... she's brave!

 2 months ago  

Hmmm! You nailed it all. Giving them advise is like such person I sent to scatter her home

people in this mess do not believe they can live on without their partner,they already believe their lives is useless without that partner. I feel for such victims whenever I see them.
Especially those dating yahoo boys, they spend for their gf but when they are broke ,their gf must pay the bills,fund the foods they eat and also give them money to spend and smoke unfailing their gf face is going to be bloody.
Imagine , what rubbish 😏.
Even if am charmed, my sister will use slap to take those charms off me 😂