Melodies beats

in Hive Learners2 months ago

When you feel down, your heart drowns in ennui and your mind strangles in gloomy thoughts music becomes the source to heal you. Music is to enjoy, whether pop or whether slow. The music is a very melodious display of sounds either through words or through beats.

These winter days when the long nights are delightful for some and sad for others, music plays a role for both, giving further enjoyment and delight to those who are having cheerful moments while filling the deprived soul as well who is in deep gloom. Music becomes the source of relaxation and soothes the soul.

If someone knows their taste for music, the tunes, the lyrics, and the beats will heal the hurt soul inside you. The spellbound music can be comprehended by the fact that it penetrates deep inside us. In happy moments it makes us move our body and dance automatically. When we are sad this music relaxes us, though by shedding tears but it does.

The traces of music are found in civilizations of all time, telling, that people of every generation were fond and admirer of melodies. Along with coins, sculptures, and mummies, many musical instruments have also been found while excavating traces of different civilizations.

Music exerts a profound impact on the human body. It relieves anxiety, depression, and psychosis while lifting up mood. It induces pleasure and relaxes the mind. Not only psychologically but music also does good to the body physiologically. Music fills energy and softens heart. It removes the apathy of consience.

I love music . For me it is the best way to heal you. Music is one of the therapies I apply to treat and heal me. Religiously many one antagonise the listening of music saying it a vice act but for me to listen music is virtue because it softens heart,it induces feelings and it makes human a human.

Sitting on the roof of my house ,wrapped in my shawl,whiffing ciggerete and listening slow music while staring at moon alone and feeling the coldness of winter and zeal of silence,is my favourite hobby. It is my best way to treat turmoil of every kind that troubles the mind.

My playlist is retero. The song I listen are of vintage origin. Instead of rap-up and pop songs,I love prefering slow and decent songs. I love such songs which compell me to live into them. Through the true explication of feelings , such songs create an imaginery world and Inlove living in that world.Music induces calmness in me. It makes me aesthatic and tunes relieve my all mental ailments.

Here are few of my favourite songs:

The gist of the talk is that music plays a great role in human life. It is best therapy to heal soul. Music can treat many physiological disorders as well. The melodies can refresh mind and boost mood. Many researches have been made to use music in health sectors as well.

This is my post for hl-exclusive and hl-w148e2.

 2 months ago  

Music is truly the best therapy for the soul.
Music is powerful.

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 2 months ago  

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